Abortionists discuss the “Problem” of Aborted Fetal Remains

There’s more to abortion than the procedure itself. There’s also the process of disposing of the aborted baby’s body. That’s a very sensitive topic for many abortion clinics.

Students for Life has released undercover video footage of at a meeting in which abortion clinic workers discuss the “problem” or disposing of the remains of aborted babies.

You can watch the video below.

President Vetoes Bill Defunding Abortion Providers

Earlier this week Congress sent a bill to President Obama pulling most public funding of abortion providers like Planned Parenthood and repealing much of Obamacare.

Today President Obama vetoed the legislation. This move by the president is not entirely unexpected–and it is unclear whether Congress has the votes necessary to override the president’s veto.

However, if nothing else, Congress is signaling it may be ready to tackle tough issues like repealing Obamacare and defunding abortion clinics when President Obama’s successor takes office next year.

U.S. House, Senate Pass Bill Repealing Obamacare, Defunding Planned Parenthood

Yesterday the U.S. House of Representatives passed a measure repealing Obamacare and withdrawing most federal funds from Planned Parenthood. The measure redirects the funds from Planned Parenthood clinics to facilities that offer quality healthcare, but do not perform abortions.

Casey Mattox with Alliance Defending Freedom said,

“This historic vote recognizes the many issues of a scandal-plagued organization with a long track record of abusive and potentially fraudulent billing practices, caught in authenticated undercover videos trafficking aborted babies’ body parts, and that has repeatedly failed to report the sexual abuse of girls. For the first time, a bill will reach the president’s desk that will end taxpayer subsidies of an abortion business that has enjoyed nearly a billion dollars in profits over the last decade while taking more than $4 billion from American taxpayers.”

The U.S. Senate passed the same measure last December. With passage in the House, the measure now goes to President Obama’s desk. While few expect him to sign it, yesterday’s vote signals both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate may be ready to repeal Obamacare and end federal subsidies to Planned Parenthood in 2017, when President Obama’s successor takes office.