Updated: Second Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Released

Ending late-term abortionsLast week the Center for Medical Progress released an undercover video in which a top official with Planned Parenthood Federation of America discusses the sale of aborted fetal remains to medical researchers.

The video has stirred controversy, because the official not only discusses the manner in which Planned Parenthood affiliates are “compensated” for “donating” fetal organs to researchers, but also because the abortion techniques discussed in the video sound ominously like those of a partial-birth abortion–a procedure that is illegal in America.

We have written repeatedly about the video and how Planned Parenthood’s response fails to address all the questions being raised.

Today the Center for Medical Progress released a second undercover video shot last year.


Group Claims Planned Parenthood “Lying About Profits from Baby Parts”

We wrote last week about a video showing a top Planned Parenthood official discussing the sale of aborted fetal tissue to medical researchers.

Planned Parenthood has released statements dismissing the video as heavily edited (side note: you can see the unedited video footage here), but they have not addressed all of the allegations made in the wake of the video.

The pro-life group Live Action has released a follow-up video claiming Planned Parenthood is lying when it says it does not profit from the sale of aborted fetal remains. You can watch the video below or click here to find it on Facebook.

Planned Parenthood caught lying about profits from 'baby parts'

Planned Parenthood caught lying again!Last week Planned Parenthood was caught on tape discussing the sale of baby body parts. Planned Parenthood’s CEO Cecile Richards responded that they do not financially profit so they aren’t breaking the law. This fact-check video shows them deceiving the public:

Posted by Live Action on Monday, July 20, 2015

Planned Parenthood Statement Fails to Answer Questions Raised by Video

Yesterday we shared an undercover video of two actors meeting with a top Planned Parenthood official to discuss the sale of fetal organs. The video is nearly 9 minutes long, and includes dialogue about the procurement of lung, heart, and muscle tissue from aborted babies.

We also posted the unedited video footage; it is over two and a half hours long, and it shows the meeting in its entirety. You can watch both videos here.

Planned Parenthood has since issued a statement that is largely dismissive of the video. Here it is: (more…)