The Pro-Life Views of Ronald Reagan

This week we continue our series examining different views of past presidents. Today we take a look at the pro-life views of President Ronald Reagan.

There’s One Individual Who’s Not Being Considered at All.


“[T]here’s one individual who’s not being considered at all. That’s the one who is being aborted. And I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” -Ronald Reagan, September 21, 1980.

No Longer Can Abortion Advocates Deny Reality.


“No longer can advocates of abortion deny reality: Abortion is not merely a matter between a woman and her doctor. For when they say that, surely they are forgetting the unborn child whose very life hangs in the balance.” -Ronald Reagan, September 11, 1985.

The Policy of Abortion On Demand Will Be Reversed.


“As more and more Americans become aware of the true nature of abortion, I am convinced that the policy of abortion on demand will be reversed and that everyone’s right to life will once again be fully protected.” -Ronald Reagan, September 11, 1985.

Are Your Child’s Vaccines Made With Aborted Fetal Remains?

Earlier this week we wrote about medical treatments that use stem cells derived from aborted fetal remains. Today we want to focus on vaccines that utilize similar methods.

In order to produce a vaccine, scientists must first propagate large quantities of the virus against which the vaccine will be used.

One way to propagate the virus is to allow it to spread throughout a tissue culture in a lab. While any number of types of tissue or cells can be used—including animal cells or yeast cultures—for many viruses, sometimes researchers choose to use cells derived from human beings—specifically aborted fetal remains.

From the 1960s to the 1980s cells from various aborted human fetuses were obtained by scientists for the purpose of medical research. Researchers kept the cells alive to be multiplied under laboratory conditions. As the cell cultures multiplied, they were made available to other scientists for research and development.

In the U.S., vaccines for measles and rubella; chickenpox; and shingles are all manufactured using cells derived from aborted fetal remains. Other vaccines may be manufactured using cells derived from aborted fetal remains, depending on the methods used by the vaccine’s producers.

A Brief History Lesson with PepsiCo

In 2011 and 2012 PepsiCo was at the center of a controversy over the use of aborted human remains in testing Pepsi products. The allegations were that the company with which PepsiCo contracted for research and development tested flavor enhancers using cells known as HEK-293.

“HEK-293” stands for “Human Embryonic Kidney 293.” It is a cell line obtained from the kidneys of a baby aborted in 1973.


Never-Before-Seen Pro-Life Letter from Ronald Reagan

reaganletterOne of the items prominently displayed on the wall of my office is a letter I received in 1985 from President Ronald Reagan.

The letter was written regarding an effort at the time to amend the Arkansas Constitution to prevent the public funding of abortion. It reads,

I was glad to learn of your dedication to the right to life of all Americans, born and unborn.

The tragic taking of human life by abortion is a matter close to my heart. Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, more than 15 million of our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters–Americans all–have been killed by this practice.

What is at stake in the debate over abortion is dramatically evident with the release this year of a videotape which, using the technique of real-time ultrasound, shows the brutality of this violent act. No longer can advocates of abortion deny reality: Abortion is not merely a matter between a woman and her doctor. For when they say that, surely they are forgetting the unborn child whose very life hangs in the balance.

I have often said that this issue will not be finally resolved until the facts and arguments are clearly framed and presented. Today, this is coming to pass. As more and more Americans become aware of the true nature of abortion, I am convinced that the policy of abortion on demand will be reversed and that everyone’s right to life will once again be fully protected.

You have my best wishes. God bless you.

Ronald Reagan

Nearly thirty years have passed since President Reagan wrote that letter. In that time, the Arkansas Constitution has been amended to prevent public funding of abortion. We have seen abortion in Arkansas decline to some of the lowest levels since the 1970s. We have seen record numbers of Americans self-identify as “pro-life.” We have seen waves of new legislation written on the basis that human life has inherent value and dignity.

If the past three decades are any indicator, I believe Ronald Reagan was right: Americans have become more aware of the true nature of abortion, the policy of abortion on demand is being reversed, and everyone’s right to life will once again be fully protected.