Arkansas A.G. to Petition U.S. Supreme Court on Pro-Life Law

AG_LR_croppedArkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge announced yesterday that her office will ask the U.S. Cupreme Court to overturn a lower court’s ruling against the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act, a pro-life law the Arkansas Legislature passed in 2013.

You may recall the Human Heartbeat Protection Act by Sen. Jason Rapert prohibits most abortions after the twelfth week of pregnancy if a fetal heartbeat is detected. The law also contains provisions for informed-consent prior to an abortion.

Attorney General Rutledge released a statement, saying,

“As Attorney General, I have a duty to fully defend the State’s law, which prohibits abortions after 12 weeks of gestation when a heartbeat is detected. But beyond my duty, I firmly believe that the State has a profound interest in protecting the lives of the unborn, which is exactly what this law does.”

Earlier this year a three-judge panel from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court ruling that struck part of the Heartbeat Protection Act as unconstitutional. The court left portions of the law dealing with informed-consent for abortion in place.

Attorney General Rutledge’s office is expected to file their petition with the U.S. Supreme Court sometime in the coming weeks.

40 Days for Life Kicking Off this Week

The semiannual 40 Days for Life prayer vigils kick off in Arkansas and elsewhere around the country this week.

This is an opportunity for pro-lifers to peacefully gather for prayer outside abortion facilities.

40 Days for Life has been credited with saving more than 10,000 lives from abortion since 2007, and many former abortion clinic workers have attested that they left the abortion industry because of Christians praying outside their clinics as part of these vigils.

If you would like to pray to end abortion, you can find additional details about local 40 Days for Life vigils at

Planned Parenthood CEO to Testify Before Congress on Aborted Baby Sales Scandal

According to, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards will testify before members of Congress regarding the series of undercover videos allegedly showing members of her organization discuss the sale of aborted fetal remains.

LifeNews writes,

“The House Oversight Committee plans to ask Richards to appear before an investigative committee conducting the third hearing into the abortion company after a series of 10 videos exposed its top doctors and officials explaining how Planned Parenthood appears to violate multiple federal laws by altering abortion procedures to obtain body parts form aborted babies and selling those body parts for profit.”

The testimony is expected to occur one week from today, on September 29.

LifeNews has also compiled an overview of the ten undercover videos released so far: (more…)