Press Release: Arkansas Ranked Third Most Pro-Life State in America

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – On Tuesday Americans United for Life, a leading national pro-life group, released its annual “Life List.” The group moved Arkansas from the number-four spot in 2013 to the number-three spot for 2014.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “This is something Arkansans should be proud of. Our state is the third most pro-life state in the country. That’s worth celebrating.”

Cox said the Life List considers more than laws regarding abortion. “Obviously, when people hear the words ‘pro-life,’ many think, ‘anti-abortion.’ Americans United for Life looks at much more than just that. They consider how the sick, elderly, and terminally-ill are treated in your state; what policies you have safeguarding patients; bioethics; and so on. For them to look at every law from every state and decide Arkansas is one of the top three states in the country when it comes to protecting human life says a lot about how much Arkansans value people.”

Cox noted Americans United for Life rated Arkansas an “All-Star” when it comes to protecting the lives of women and children from abortion. “Last year Arkansas passed a law requiring abortion clinic volunteers and employees to report suspected child abuse. We also passed a law ensuring a pregnant woman won’t be charged with a crime if she uses force to protect her unborn baby from an attacker. Laws like that make Arkansas a leader when it comes to protecting women and children.”

Cox says he hopes Arkansas will eventually become the most pro-life state in America. “I hear a lot of people talk about strengthening the economy right now. I think that’s great, but a strong economy doesn’t do a whole lot of good if your citizens aren’t alive and well to enjoy and contribute to it. Protecting the lives of Arkansans should always be a top priority. I’m grateful the Arkansas Legislature made it a priority in 2013, and I hope they will continue to do so in the future.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Click here to learn more about AUL’s Life List.

U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Review Arizona’s 20-Week Abortion Ban

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Ken Yang.

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review Arizona’s fetal pain law banning abortions starting at 20 weeks. The justices gave no reason for refusing to review the case.

Arizona’s law is similar to one passed in Arkansas last year as well as laws in many other states around the country.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the bill into law in April, 2012, but the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck it down saying it violated the standards set by Roe v. Wade.

Arizona’s 20-week ban is the first to reach the U.S. Supreme Court. Texas appears to be next in line with the court system, so be on the lookout. Sooner or later the U.S. Supreme Court will have to begin hearing the people and the 55 plus million lives that have been silenced by abortion.

Undercover Video: Statutory Rapist Buys Plan B for 15 Year-Old Girl

Yesterday Students for Life of America released an undercover video in which a 33 year-old man poses as a statutory rapist purchasing Plan B “emergency contraception” over the counter at multiple pharmacies and drugstores for his underage girlfriend. His “girlfriend,” portrayed by a 15 year-old girl, appears with him in some of the videos.

At some stores, the man asks if the drug will “dissolve in a drink” so he can give it to his girlfriend without her knowledge. Another video shows the girl complaining she does not want to take the drug; the man replies that he will make her take it; all of this occurs in front of store employees, who do nothing.

In a final video, the man goes so far as to explain that he is 33 and his girlfriend for whom he is buying the drug is 15; store employees, again, do nothing.

Many wrote earlier this year when the government moved Plan B from behind the pharmacist’s counter and authorized sales to underage girls that doing so would inadvertently make it that much easier for child predators and human traffickers to cover up their crimes. Moreover, Plan B’s effects have not been thoroughly studied among minors.

The man and girl in this video may be actors, but one has to wonder how many times this scenario has played out in real life all over America. You can watch the video below.