40 Days for Life Begins in 6 Weeks! Organize an Event in Your Town.

40 Days for Life is just 6 weeks away!

This is a semi-annual event in which pro-lifers all across America gather outside abortion clinics to pray to end abortion.

The vigils will begin March 5, and will continue through April 13.

If you live in the central Arkansas area, you can take part in 40 Days for Life in Little Rock. Click here for details.

If you live in the northwest Arkansas area, you can take part in 40 Days for Life in Fayetteville. Click here for details.

Important: If you would like to organize a 40 Days for Life event in your community, there are only a few days left to apply to do so; you do not have to apply to participate in the events happening in Little Rock or Fayetteville — you only have to apply if you want to host an event where you are. To apply, go to http://40daysforlife.com/apply/. The deadline to apply is January 29.

We will continue to bring you more information about 40 Days for Life and how you can help end abortion in the coming weeks.

Ask Senator Pryor to Support Pro-Life Bill

sen-pryor-photoSenator Mark Pryor has the opportunity to support a good, pro-life bill in the U.S. Senate.

The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1670) would prevent most abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. The bill is very similar to one passed in Arkansas last year.

You can contact Senator Pryor, and ask him to co-sponsor S. 1670, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. His contact information is below.

Toll Free Phone Number: (877) 259-9602

Click here to send Senator Pryor and email.