America’s Addiction to Scandal

Our mass media-driven culture has ushered in a unique era that boasts an unrelenting and instantaneous flow of information. There are many advantages to having quick, easy access to the entire world, and I would never suggest going back to the way things were. However, good things can be and almost always are abused, and I’m concerned that we’ve allowed our media fixation to give rise to an obsession with scandal—at the expense of maintaining focus on what’s truly important.


Adoption and Foster Care Act Ruling Appealed

Family Council has joined the Arkansas Attorney General in appealing Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza’s ruling on the Arkansas Adoption and Foster Care Act—the voter-approved law that passed in 2008 with 57% of the vote. Judge Piazza struck down the law five months ago, and now we are helping to appeal this decision to the Arkansas Supreme Court. John Lynch from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has written an article that does a great job detailing the situation thus far. You can read it by clicking here.