Polygamists Successfully Using Same-Sex Marriage Arguments in Court

You may have seen the news, yesterday, that a federal judge in Utah struck part of the state’s ban on polygamy.

In effect, the judge decriminalized polygamy, although he did not go so far as to say the state must give legal recognition to plural “marriages.”

The judge’s ruling relied in part on court rulings same-sex marriage activists have obtained over the years, specifically citing Lawrence v. Texas, a case that has been central to virtually every lawsuit over same-sex marriage, including the Supreme Court decision last summer to strike part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

We’ve written before about how polygamists hope to benefit from same-sex marriage. Now it’s happening. Polygamist cults in Utah are riding the coattails of same-sex marriage.

Below is a video of Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins discussing the issue on CNN last night.

Click here to read more about the court ruling.

Click here to read the judge’s opinion.

More Lottery Predictions Coming True

Last spring we wrote a blog post called “10 Lottery Predictions That Came True.” It highlighted 10 things we said would happen if the Arkansas Lottery were established.

Last week we told you about a proposal to bring video lotteries to Arkansas. We predicted this back in 2009, when the Arkansas Lottery first set up shop. Below is a video we released at the time discussing this issue. Watch it, and see if what we predicted about the lottery is coming true.

What do Americans Think of Christmas? Rasmussen Has the Numbers

Rasmussen Reports has published some interesting poll results on Christmas in the past couple of weeks.

According to Rasmussen,

This tracks with a poll from 2012 that found 60% of Americans celebrate Christmas primarily as a religious holiday.

While these numbers are interesting by themselves, on the whole they show Americans overwhelmingly celebrate Christmas and that Christmas is viewed as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is also legitimately recognized as a federal holiday. With that in mind, why are there so many efforts underway right now to try to make Christmas about something other than Christ or prevent Christmas from being celebrated publicly? Why should a public official or public Christmas display be expected to recognize any element of the Christmas celebration except the very event Christmas celebrates?