The Divorce Risk by Marital “Age”

A recent article in Fatherly summed up the risk of divorce by married years. Years 1 to 2 are “high risk.” Years 9 to 15 go down to “low.” By years 15 to 20, the risk rises again to “average.”

“Newlyweds and old married couples,” concluded the article, “can never get too comfortable.”  

The numbers don’t lie, but the danger of studies like this is portraying divorce as something that just happens because of “falling out of love” or something like that. The truth about marriage is, thankfully, more complicated.  

Couples committed enough to fight for their marriage stand a good chance of making it. Eighty percent of couples who participated in Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored Marriage Intensive are still together two years later.  

It also matters what we believe about marriage. As of 2019, divorce in America had reached a 50-year low, but that’s because fewer Americans are getting married at all. So, the ones who marry tend to believe there’s something to it. 

And there is, which is why when it comes to marriage and the health of our society, none of us should be comfortable. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Family Council Joins Letter Opposing “Respect for Marriage Act”

On Tuesday Family Council joined 82 other conservative, grassroots organizations from across the country in urging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel (R — Ky.) to reject the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act,” H.R. 8404.

Among other things, H.R. 8404 fully repeals the Defense of Marriage Act and forces states to honor any definition of marriage that is recognized in another state. That raises serious questions about what happens to marriage laws in states like Arkansas if other states change their laws regarding polygamy or child marriages.

The measure also carries serious implications for Americans who still believe marriage is supposed to be the union of one man and one woman.

The letter to Sen. McConnel says,

The [Respect for Marriage] Act, which was suddenly rushed through the House without any public hearings or input, is an attack on millions of Americans, particularly people of faith, who believe marriage is between one man and one woman and that legitimate distinctions exist between men and women concerning family formation that should be recognized in the law. . . .

H.R. 8404 effectively deputizes activist groups to sue religious individuals, organizations, and businesses that operate according to their sincerely held religious belief that marriage is between one man and one woman and also act “under color of state law.” The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized this as a term that might apply where a private organization participates in a joint activity with a state, is performing a function traditionally performed by the government, or even when its operations are entwined with government policies. Activists will argue this includes (1) faith-based foster care providers who are alleged to be performing a state function through child placement services; (2) religious social service organizations that are heavily funded by and work jointly with the government to serve their communities; and (3) religious organizations and businesses that provide services under contract with the government. Although the issues to be litigated would be many, there is no question the proposed Act subjects religious people, businesses, and organizations to countless new lawsuits merely for practicing their faith.

The letter also notes that if passed, the IRS could use the “Respect for Marriage Act” to target churches and charities that believe in a biblical definition of marriage.

The House of Representatives hastily passed H.R. 8404 last week, one day after it was introduced. The proposal received 47 Republican votes. Most of the Republicans in the Senate have yet to take a position on the measure.

We’ve heard time and again about Christian photographersbakersflorists, and wedding chapel owners being investigated and dragged into court because they declined to take part in a same-sex wedding or ceremony. Sometimes the Christian business owners win their cases. Other times they lose.

Passing the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” could simply make situations like these worse.

Despite Marriage’s Benefits, Fewer Single Americans are Interested in Relationships

In April the Pew Research Center released survey results that show most single Americans — 56% — are not looking for relationships or even going on casual dates. That number is up from 50% in 2019, according to Pew.

The data shows only 32% of single Americans are actually looking for committed relationships. And 70% say their dating lives are not going well at all.

The findings are troubling, because research has found time and again that marriage is good for people and for society as a whole.

In February the Survey Center on American Life reported that married Americans are more likely to have a satisfying social life and a larger group of close friends. The center also found married Americans are more satisfied with their personal health than their single peers.

A 2016 article published by Harvard Health Publishing noted that marriage is tied to living longer, having fewer strokes, and better mental wellbeing.

Other research has shown that close relationships — including healthy marriages — keep people happy and healthy throughout their lives.

In spite of that, the Survey Center on American Life also noted that 34% of Americans who have never been married “say they have no intention of ever doing so.” That is a troubling statistic.

Scripture tells us we are meant to live in relationship with each other and with our Creator — and research increasingly verifies that fact.

Good relationships and good marriages are part of human flourishing. We ought to do what we can to promote good marriages in Arkansas.