Pro-Life Gains in Virginia

Virginia’s state House and Senate are weighing two pro-life bills.

The first bill requires doctors conduct an ultrasound, allowing a woman to see her unborn baby before having an abortion. This is very similar to legislation sponsored last year that would have required doctors to allow a woman to listen to her baby’s heartbeat before performing an abortion.

The second bill states that life begins at conception.

You can read more about the legislation here.

40 Days for Life Kicks Off in Two Weeks

40 Days for Life starts two weeks from today, on Wednesday, February 22, 2012. This is your opportunity to take a stand for life by praying outside an abortion facility.

40 Days for Life efforts will be conducted in Little Rock and Fayetteville. If you would like to learn more about the Little Rock effort, go here:

If you would like to learn more about the Fayetteville effort, go here:

We will keep you posted about this tremendous opportunity.