The Next “Sexual Rights” Movement: Beastiality

For many years now, social conservatives have talked about how the “gay rights” movement is part of a broader movement to completely redefine human sexuality. Particularly during the nationwide battle over same-sex “marriage,” we said that without a clear definition of marriage—one man and one woman—there would eventually be a slew of “sexual rights” groups asking for their relationship to be normalized.


Ruth Institute: 3 Really Pernicious Messages behind the “Lesbians Make Better Parents” Storyline

Last week, we posted a rebuttal to the recent study claiming that children of lesbian parents do just as well—and maybe even better in some instances—socially and academically as children of traditional heterosexual parents. You can read that rebuttal by clicking here. Now, the Ruth Institute digs deeper into the underlying messages being pushed by this flawed study in a quick article called “3 Really Pernicious Messages Behind the ‘Lesbians Make Better Parents’ Storyline“. You can read it by clicking here.