Family Council Supports Giving Parents, Children Options in Education

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — On Wednesday Family Council announced the pro-family organization supports passing a school choice measure in Arkansas this year.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “Our organization has always believed families deserve options when it comes to education. Home schooling is a great example of how giving families options can help their children flourish. Family Council has supported home schooling for more than 25 years, because it empowers parents to give their son or their daughter the education that’s right for them. Home schooling in Arkansas has been incredibly successful as a result. Governor Sanders and members of the General Assembly intend to pass good school choice legislation this year. We want to work with our friends to pass legislation that will help Arkansas families without regulating nonpublic school students.”

Cox said many Arkansans are bothered by changes they see in public education. “A lot of families feel like public education has deteriorated over the years, and they don’t like the direction it’s heading. For those families, school choice legislation could give them real alternatives that will help their children succeed. This is a critical issue for families, and our organization plans to address it.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock with a mission of promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values.


Legislation Would Help Protect Children from Medical Malpractice in Sex-Change Procedures

A bill filed at the Arkansas Legislature on Monday would help protect children from medical malpractice when it comes to sex-change procedures.

S.B. 199 by Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) clarifies that a child who undergoes a sex-change procedure can sue the healthcare provider who performed procedure if the child suffers any physical, psychological, or emotional injury as a result.

Under S.B. 199, the child could file a lawsuit the if he or she experiences:

  • A physical or physiological injury from the sex-change procedure
  • A psychological or emotional injury from the sex-change procedure
  • An injury from treatments related to the sex-change procedure
  • An injury from the after-effects of the sex-change procedure

    A child who suffers one of these injuries from a sex-change procedure would have until the age of 48 to file a lawsuit against the healthcare provider, because some injuries from sex-change procedures may not become evident until well into adulthood.

    The bill also spells out informed-consent processes for sex-change procedures that healthcare providers can follow to help defend against the possibility of a lawsuit, and it clarifies that Arkansas law does not require healthcare professionals to perform sex-reassignment procedures.

    More and more, scientific evidence shows sex-reassignment procedures may be harmful to children. That is why it is important for our laws to protect children from these procedures and give them legal options they can follow if they are harmed by one of these sex-change procedures.

    Research published just last month calls into question the original studies that encouraged doctors to give puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children with gender dysphoria.

    In 2021 a major hospital in Sweden announced that it would no longer give puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to kids.

    Last year the U.K.’s National Health Services closed its Tavistock gender clinic that gave puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children for many years. Many families have indicated their children were subjected to sex-reassignment at that clinic despite an obvious lack of scientific evidence in favor of the procedures and inadequate mental health screenings for children with gender dysphoria.

    A gender-identity clinic in Scotland faces similar accusations from former patients who say healthcare professionals rushed them into sex-change procedures.

    And last July the U.S. Food and Drug Administration finally added a warning label to puberty blockers in America after biological girls developed symptoms of tumor-like masses in the brain.

    S.B. 199 will help protect children from these dangerous sex-reassignment procedures, and it will provide them and their families with legal recourse if they are injured by a sex-change procedure.

    You Can Read S.B. 199 Here.

    Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

    Arkansas House Passes Measure Protecting Children from Adult Performances

    Above: Rep. Mary Bentley presents S.B. 43 in the Arkansas House of Representatives on Monday, February 6.

    On Monday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed a measure to protect children from adult performances.

    S.B. 43 by Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) prohibits adult-oriented performances on public property, with public funding, or in view of minors.

    The bill defines “adult-oriented performance” as a sexual performance that includes nudity, sexual activities, or exposure of specific body parts. The bill also contains language about exposure of prosthetic private parts to protect children from explicit drag performances.

    S.B. 43 previously prohibited drag performances on public property or in view of children. It was amended in the House committee last week to apply more broadly to sexual performances and to prohibit public funding of those performances.

    The bill now goes to the Arkansas Senate for consideration.

    You Can Read S.B. 43 Here.