More Than 60 Ministers, Church Leaders Sign Letter Thanking Gov. Hutchinson

On May 13 the Obama Administration issued a set of guidelines instructing schools and colleges to let biological males who claim to be female use the girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and similar facilities–and vice versa. Failure to do so, the guidelines said, could jeopardize federal funding for schools.

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Attorney General Leslie Rutledge were swift in denouncing the guidelines and encouraging public schools to disregard them.

Today we delivered a letter to Governor Hutchinson’s office signed by 62 ministers and church leaders thanking the governor for his strong stand.

Pastor Iverson Jackson from Little Rock wrote the letter. The leaders who signed it represent a broad cross-section of churches and denominations from communities across Arkansas.

We join these ministers in thanking Governor Asa Hutchinson and Attorney General Leslie Rutledge for their strong leadership on this issue.

You can read the letter and the list of ministers who signed it here.

Family Council Signs Letter Urging Congress to Block Obama Admin. Overreach

Joint Session of the United States Congress

We have written several times about the Obama Administration’s “guidelines” advising schools to let biological males who claim to be female use the girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and similar facilities, and about the new Obamacare directive instructing doctors and hospitals to offer “gender transition” services (e.g. sex-reassignment surgery) despite the professional and conscientious objections many healthcare professionals have to such procedures.

This week Family Council joined pro-family organizations around the country in urging Congress to take decisive action against this federal overreach.

Family Council has signed a letter to Reps. Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and Nancy Pelosi and Sens. Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid asking them to:

  • Introduce and pass legislation curtailing the Obama Administration’s actions; protecting students’ privacy and parents’ rights; and reassuring schools they will not lose federal funding if they ignore these federal “guidelines;”
  • Hold hearings to investigate the Obama Administration’s actions in promulgating these overreaching “guidelines;”
  • Withhold funding from any attempts by the federal Departments of Justice and Education to force these “guidelines” on schools.

You can read the letter–and the list of organization’s who have signed it with us–here.

Below is contact information you can use to encourage your congressman and Sens. Boozman and Cotton to take action on this issue as well.



Little Rock Office:
1401 W. Capitol Ave., Plaza F
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: (501) 372-7153
Fax: (501) 372-7163

D.C. Office:
141 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4843
Fax: (202) 228-1371

Click Here to Email U.S. Senator Boozman



Little Rock Office:
11809 Hinson Road
Suite 100
Little Rock, AR 72212

Mailing Address:
PO Box 25216
Little Rock, AR 72221
Phone: (501) 223-9081
Fax: (501) 223-9105

D.C. Office:
124 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2353

Click Here to Email U.S. Senator Cotton



Jonesboro Office:
2400 Highland Drive, Suite 300
Jonesboro, AR 72401
Phone: (870) 203-0540
Fax: (870) 203-0542

D.C. Office:
1711 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4076
Fax: (202) 225-5602

Click Here to Email Congressman Crawford



Little Rock Office:
1501 N. University Ave.
Suite 150
Little Rock, AR 72207
Phone: (501) 324-5941
Fax: (501) 324-6029

D.C. Office:
1229 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2506
Fax: (202) 225-5903

Click Here to Email U.S. Congressman Hill



Rogers Office:
3333 Pinnacle Hills, Suite 120
Rogers, Arkansas 72758
Phone: (479) 464-0446
Fax: (479) 464-0063

D.C. Office:
1119 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4301
Fax: (202) 225-5713

Click Here to Email U.S. Congressman Womack



Hot Springs Office:
101 Reserve St.
Suite 200
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Phone: (501) 609-9796
Fax: (501) 609-9887

D.C. Office:
130 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3772
Fax: (202) 225-1314

Click Here to Email U.S. Congressman Westerman

Federal Officials Stumping for Transgender Agenda in Commencement Addresses

Vanita_GuptaWe have written extensively about government overreach in the areas of education and public health; the Obama Administration is reinterpreting federal laws to force schools to let biological males who claim to be female use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms at school. The administration also is forcing hospitals and doctors to offer “gender transition” services–something that flies in the face of many doctors’ professional and conscientious convictions.

In between all of this, federal officials also have been stumping in favor of gay and transgender activists at school graduations.

The head of the federal Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, Vanita Gupta, told New York University School of Law graduates on May 19,

And we see this gap [between what laws guarantee and what people experience] in efforts to deny LGBTI individuals – especially transgender men and women – the respect they deserve and the protection our laws guarantee.  And let me add this – efforts like House Bill 2 in North Carolina [requiring people to use  public restrooms corresponding to the sex listed on their birth certificates] not only violate the laws that govern our nation, but also the values that define us as a people.

Earlier, on May 14, she told University of Minnesota Law School graduates,

Even after the Supreme Court’s landmark gay marriage decision last year in Obergefell v. Hodges that guaranteed all people ‘equal dignity in the eyes of the law,’ we see new efforts to deny LGBTI individuals the respect they deserve and the protection our laws guarantee.  And let me add this – efforts like House Bill 2 in North Carolina [requiring people to use  public restrooms corresponding to the sex listed on their birth certificates] not only violate the laws that govern our nation, but also the values that define us as a people.

On Monday, May 16, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch gave the commencement address at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law, in which she said,

[F]rom Bunker Hill to Appomattox and from Seneca Falls to Selma; from the Emancipation Proclamation to the 19th Amendment and from the civil rights laws of the 1960s to Obergefell v. Hodges [which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide] – we have won these and so many other victories only because people of good will and moral conviction refused to stand aside when there was more to be done.

U.S. Attorney General Lynch’s words effectively equate the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to nullify state marriage laws nationwide with the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, and Assistant Attorney General Gupta seems to think it is patently un-American to believe men should use the men’s room and women should use the women’s room.

In the eyes of this administration letting people use the restroom of their choice is not some minor issue; it is a civil right. That comes as a surprise to many people, considering the many other problems plaguing the world today, but these officials’ words and actions seem to be clear indicators of the federal government’s priorities.