House Public Health Committee Narrowly Passes Pro-Life Bill

Above: A photo of the roll call vote on pro-life bill S.B. 463 from the House Public Health Committee. Passing a bill in a House committee requires 11 or more votes.

On Tuesday the House Public Health Committee narrowly passed a pro-life bill addressing abortion-inducing drugs in Arkansas.

S.B. 463 by Sen. Ben Gilmore (R – Crossett) and Rep. Mindy McAlindon (R – Centerton) clarifies that the State Medical Board will revoke the license of a physician that violates Arkansas’ laws against abortion-inducing drugs.

The bill will help ensure that physicians in Arkansas face professional penalties if they break the state’s pro-life laws.

The bill previously passed in the state senate. On Tuesday S.B. 463 received 11 votes in the House Public Health Committee; passing a bill in a House committee requires 11 or more votes.

The bill now goes to the entire Arkansas House of Representatives for consideration.

Committee Passes Good Bill Concerning Pro-Life Cities, Counties in Arkansas

On Monday the House City, County, and Local Affairs Committee passed a bill to help expand Pro-Life political subdivisions in Arkansas.

S.B. 446 by Sen. Joshua Bryant (R – Rogers) and Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) builds on Arkansas’ law that lets cities and counties pass Pro-Life resolutions.

Act 392 of 2021 affirms that cities and counties can designate themselves as Pro-Life. To date, nearly half of all Arkansans live in a Pro-Life City or Pro-Life County.

S.B. 446 expands this 2021 law so that any political subdivision of the state can declare itself to be Pro-Life — not just a city or a county.

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has reversed Roe v. Wade and abortion is generally prohibited in Arkansas, citizens and their elected officials need to establish exactly where they stand when it comes to protecting innocent human life.

S.B. 446 is a good bill that will help communities do exactly that.

The bill previously passed the Arkansas Senate. S.B. 446 now goes to the entire Arkansas House of Representatives for consideration.

House Health Committee Passes Good Pro-Life Bill

On Thursday the House Public Health Committee passed a good bill that would help protect women’s health and clarify Arkansas’ abortion restrictions.

H.B. 1786 by Rep. Aaron Pilkington (R – Knoxville) and Sen. Clint Penzo (R – Springdale) is a good, pro-life bill that specifies that abortions performed to save the life of the mother must take place in a hospital or emergency room.

This bill will help clarify Arkansas’ restrictions on abortion, and it will protect women’s health by ensuring that any abortion performed to save the mother’s life takes place in a facility that is properly equipped to handle medical emergencies.

On Thursday afternoon Reps. Jeff Wardlaw and Ryan Rose assisted Rep. Pilkington in presenting H.B. 1786 in the House Public Health Committee. The bill passed quickly on a voice vote.

It now goes to the entire Arkansas House of Representatives for consideration.