Authorities in Oregon Confiscate 37,000 Plants, 1.5 Tons of Illegal Marijuana at One Grow Site

Last week authorities in Oregon seized 37,000 marijuana plants and some 3,000 pounds of processed marijuana at a single, illegal marijuana farm.

The Josephine County Sheriff’s Office in southwest Oregon issued a statement, saying that from September 6 – 8 law enforcement executed search warrants at the marijuana farm, resulting in two arrests.

In a press release, the sheriff’s office said, “During the execution of the warrants more than 37,000 growing marijuana plants were seized and destroyed along with approximately 3,000 pounds of processed marijuana. Multiple firearms were also seized.”

The Josephine County Sheriff’s Office reportedly seized 2,700 plants and 90,000 pounds of processed marijuana at a different illegal grow site the week before.

Illegal marijuana farms reportedly have inundated Oregon despite the state’s decision to legalize “recreational” marijuana.

Oregon isn’t the only state where illicit marijuana continues to thrive despite legalization.

Last week NBC News reported that illegal marijuana farms continue to be a serious problem in California.

The article’s authors note that California legalized so-called “recreational marijuana” to weaken drug cartels’ influence, but that has not worked as expected.

And in 2020 law enforcement in Colorado reportedly seized more than five and a half tons of illicit marijuana intended for the black market.

Legalizing marijuana does not decrease drug-related crime, and it does not alleviate drug problems. If anything, it seems to make those problems worse.

U.S. Sen. Cotton, Gov. Hutchinson, Lt. Gov. Griffin, Former Gov. Huckabee All Oppose Marijuana Amendment in Arkansas

Last week Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, former Governor Mike Huckabee, Lt. Governor Tim Griffin, and U.S. Senator Tom Cotton issued statements opposing Issue 4, a proposed constitutional amendment that would legalize marijuana in Arkansas.

Sen. Cotton’s statement notes that Issue 4 would lead to more crime, more addiction, and more traffic fatalities.

Gov. Huckabee’s highlights the dangers that so-called “recreational marijuana” would bring to Arkansas.

Lt. Gov. Griffin’s statement touches on the ways marijuana affects the job market.

Gov. Hutchinson’s statement points out that legalizing marijuana leads to increased use among minors.

All statements are below:

As we have written before, legalizing marijuana does not appear to reduce drug crime.

If anything, illicit drugs — including illegal marijuana — appear to be a bigger problem in states where marijuana has been legalized.

Last week NBC News reported that illegal marijuana farms are a major problem in California despite legalization. These operations allegedly are operated by drug cartels and tied to human trafficking and other crimes.

In a single raid at one illegal marijuana farm, authorities in California seized over 100,000 marijuana plants and upwards of $10 million cash as well as millions of dollars in infrastructure and equipment.

In 2020 law enforcement in Colorado seized 5.54 tons of illicit marijuana intended for the black market.

Industrial-size, illegal marijuana farms have inundated southern Oregon despite legalization there as well.

In Colorado, authorities report that traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana have increased 138% since marijuana was legalized in 2012.

A report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that states that legalized commercial marijuana sales saw self-harm rates rise by 46% among men ages 21 to 39.

growing body of research shows marijuana can have damaging effects on adolescent brains — including permanent loss in IQ, difficulty thinking and problem-solving, reduced coordination, and increased risk of psychosis.

As we have said in the past, Issue 4 — the proposed marijuana amendment — makes sweeping changes to Arkansas’ constitution and state laws.

It repeals, replaces, and rewrites several parts of Arkansas’ medical marijuana amendment that voters passed in 2016, it adds new language to other parts of the Arkansas Constitution, and it drastically expands marijuana in every community in Arkansas.

It is unclear just how far-reaching some of these changes may be.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.