Americans Censor Themselves for China

America’s corporate cooperation in China’s oppressive activities is shameful. Political philosopher Charles de Montesquieu said that “The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy.” With China, , we’re seeing this play out in real-time. China’s control and censoring of its own citizens is disturbing, but predictable. But the number of American corporations and media willing to censor themselves is what’s really stunning 

With access to 1.4 billion consumers at stake, corporations like Nike and the NBA, and most  Hollywood studios have bowed to China’s demands, apologizing profusely for any perceived offense. Ahead of the Olympics, house speaker Nancy Pelosi warned athletes not to speak up against human rights abuses while in China.  

Clearly, those with the most money to lose are willing to stay silent on human rights abuses.

Which makes China’s evils not just a “them” problem. It’s an “us” problem, too. Freedom of speech is only as good as what it is used for.  

Let’s hope we start using it for something better: speaking the truth.

Copyright 2022 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Uyghur Olympian Lights Torch is China’s “Cynical Move”

As NBC News reported via Twitter, the Chinese Communist Party chose a member of the Uyghur minority to complete the torch relay and deliver the Olympic flame to the opening ceremonies of the winter Olympics.  

The Uyghurs are a mostly Muslim ethnic minority in China’s western regions that have been targeted in Chairman Xi Jinping’s nationalistic and totalitarian agenda. Uyghurs are being sent to concentration camps, subjected to systematic rape, forced abortions, and sterilization. By every measure, it’s genocide.  

Going into the games, the world already knew that the Uyghurs were being subjected to the same sort of atrocities that defined evil in the last century. The Chinese Communist Party also employs the same sort of propaganda. As CNN’s Jake Tapper put it, it’s “hard to imagine a more cynical move.”  

We can’t keep tyrants from being tyrannical, but we can refuse to pretend that what they’re doing is normal. And, we can call on our leaders to do the same. Anything less would be, as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put it, to live by lies. Something we must never do.

Copyright 2022 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

U of A Professor Pleads Guilty to Lying to Federal Agents About Ties to China

On Friday the U.S. Department of Justice reported that a former University of Arkansas professor pleaded guilty to making a false statement to the FBI about his inventions that were patented with the communist Chinese government.

The DOJ also said the former professor failed to tell the U of A about a conflict of interest he had in regards to the Chinese government.

In its statement, the DOJ said,

Simon Saw-Teong Ang, 64, of Fayetteville, entered a guilty plea to count 58 on a superseding indictment charging him with making a materially false and fictitious, statement and representation to an FBI Special Agent. According to court documents, 24 patents filed in the People’s Republic of China bear Ang’s name or Chinese birth name. The University of Arkansas, where Ang worked as a professor, required individuals such as Ang to promptly furnish to the University “full and complete” disclosures of inventions, and University policy provided that it, not individual inventors, would own all inventions created by those subject to the policy. This policy was established “in furtherance of the commitment of the University to the widest possible distribution of the benefits of University Research, the protection of Inventions resulting from such research, and the development of Inventions for the public good.”

Despite this requirement, Ang did not disclose his Chinese patents to the university and, when interviewed by an FBI agent, lied about his involvement in the inventions. Specifically, when asked whether his name would be listed as “the inventor” of numerous patents in China, Ang denied being the inventor, despite knowing he was. In addition, Ang also received numerous talent awards from the PRC [People’s Republic of China] government, which he did not list on the university’s annual conflict of interest disclosure forms.

The FBI arrested Ang in May of 2020.

At the time, the DOJ alleged that “Ang had close ties with the Chinese government and Chinese companies, and failed to disclose those ties when required to do so in order to receive grant money from NASA.” Following his arrest, U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R – AR) issued a statement elaborating on China’s espionage campaigns in America and calling Ang a spy.

This latest news comes as officials have shown increased concern about China’s influence at the local level and on the nation’s academic institutions.

Last year the U.S. Senate passed a measure intended to clamp down on Chinese propaganda on America’s college campuses.

In July of 2020 FBI Director Christopher Wray gave a report on the threat China poses, saying, “If you are an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data.”

And earlier this month U.S. Sen. Cotton sent a letter to state and county officials warning them, “I have good reason to believe that the Chinese Communist Party may seek to enlist state and local officials to influence my actions in Congress.”

As we have said before,  China appears committed to subverting the United States — possibly at the state and local levels in Arkansas.