Craighead County to Vote on Reducing Millage for Library that Features Sexually Explicit Children’s Books

This November voters in Craighead County will decide whether to reduce the millage for the public library in Jonesboro.

The Jonesboro public library has been at the center of multiple controversies for nearly a year and a half — such as inappropriately hosting an LGBT Pride display in its children’s library, placing books with sexually-explicit images in its children’s section, and failing to adopt a policy that separates sexual material from children’s content.

Some of these books — such as Gender Queer and l8tr, g8tr — contain explicit images or descriptions of teens engaged in sexual acts.

Library officials have stood by their decision to share sexual material with children — even posting on Facebook that it isn’t the library’s responsibility to protect kids from obscenity.

The Jonesboro Sun reports that this November voters in Craighead County will decide whether or not to reduce the library’s millage from two mills to one mill.

Under Amendment 30 and Amendment 38 to the Arkansas Constitution, voters can circulate petitions to place a measure on the local ballot assessing a form of property tax — or “millage” — to provide funding for city and county libraries.

In Jonesboro’s case, property taxes for the library are currently two mills — or 0.002%. The ballot proposal would reduce the rate to one mill — or 0.001%.

Library officials in Jonesboro have said the tax cut would “devastate” the library and could force it to close, but news reports indicate the library has enjoyed a budget surplus of more than a million dollars for the past three years, and documents from the Craighead County Clerk’s Office show the millage tax provided more than $3.1 million in revenue for the library last year.

Even if the library were not spending public tax dollars on obscene children’s books, reducing the millage in Craighead County arguably would help balance the library’s budget and provide relief for taxpayers.

It’s ridiculous to think that a library isn’t to blame if a child finds pornographic or obscene material in the library’s children’s section.

Public libraries are supposed to be for everyone.

Families should be able to take their children to the library without worrying what their children might see.

Taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize graphic novels that depict explicit images of minors engaged in sexual acts.

Unfortunately, many libraries in Arkansas don’t seem to understand that.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Rogers Public Library Declines to Remove Sexual Content From Children’s Section Despite Objections

Last week Family Council wrote about sexual material and pro-LGBT books in the children’s section of the Rogers Public Library.

Family Council has obtained a copy of a letter from the Rogers Public Library rejecting a patron’s request to remove one of the books — Sex Is A Funny Word — from the library.

As we have written before, library patrons typically can use a Material Reconsideration Form to ask a library to remove inappropriate material from circulation.

According to the rejection letter, the patron asked the Rogers Public Library to remove Sex Is A Funny Word because the book promotes gender dysphoria and child sexuality — particularly masturbation.

The letter notes that the library opted to keep the book, because it “is a uniquely inclusive and diverse resource on the topic of sex education.”

Below is a copy of the library’s letter opting to keep the book.

According to the American Library Association, Sex Is A Funny Word was frequently challenged at libraries nationwide in 2017 and 2019 because of its LGBT content and sexual material and because of concerns that the book would lead children to “want to have sex or ask questions about sex.”

Libraries don’t have to put books like this one in the middle of their children’s sections.

There is only so much shelf space available in a library. That’s part of the reason why library boards and librarians have leeway to establish selection criteria and make decisions about the kinds of material available in a library.

With that in mind, it would be entirely appropriate for a library to remove a book like Sex Is A Funny Word from circulation — or at least separate it from other children’s books.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.