State Legislators Seek to Enhance Human Trafficking Laws

State legislators, including Rep. David Meeks (R-Conway) and Sen. Missy Irvin (R-Mountain View), are seeking to enhance Arkansas’ human trafficking laws. This is good news. Human trafficking is a serious issue, and we applaud every member of the Arkansas Legislature trying to bring some much-needed attention to this problem. In our view, combating human trafficking should be a priority for anyone who values the sanctity of human life.

Dr. Morse on Why Privatizing Marriage is Impossible

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute writes: “We cannot escape the fact that marriage is an intrinsically public institution. We can’t avoid making collective decisions about its meaning and purpose. If we don’t do it explicitly, we will end up doing it implicitly.” This piece by Dr. Morse, titled Privatizing Marriage is Impossible, is a must-read. Click here to check it out.