Pro-Transgender Ads Cost Gillette $8 Billion

Corporations are notorious for spending hefty sums of money on advertising, but one ad campaign at razor company Gillette has cost the brand nearly $8,000,000,000.

Earlier this year the company unveiled an ad aimed at “toxic masculinity” followed by a Father’s Day commercial about a man teaching his “son” — a biological female who identifies as a male — to shave.

As a result, a lot of conservatives decided to ditch Gillette. Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins writes,

Conservative groups like One Million Moms activated, warning customers that unless they wanted their money to support an ideology Pediatricians call “child abuse,” they’d better find another razor.

Based on this quarter’s report, an astonishing number of Americans did. “P&G reported a net loss of about $5.24 billion, or $2.12 per share, for the quarter ended June 30, due to an $8 billion non-cash writedown of Gillette. For the same period last year,” Reuters explains, “P&G’s net income was $1.89 billion, or 72 cents per share.” At least for now, the company’s executives are refusing to blame their liberal politics. Instead, CFO Jon Moeller found another culprit: Beards. That’s right. P&G is actually writing off its monumental fail on the rise of facial hair. “Lower shaving frequency has reduced the size of the developed blades and razors market,” he tried to justify on a call with analysts.

Some shareholders might buy that, but most shoppers agree — it’s time for companies like Gillette to look in the mirror. Political activism never pays. Just look at the fanatics at Target and Nike, whose stocks took a nose-dive for offending Americans’ basic sense of decency and patriotism. Even so, some companies are pressing forward despite the fallout. Just last month, grocery giant Whole Foods surprised everyone by sponsoring drag queen story hour. Even Nabisco’s most famous cookies — Oreo and Chips Ahoy — have spent 2019 waving the transgender flag. But the reckoning isn’t just coming. It’s here.

A few weeks ago pro-LGBT groups began sounding the alarm after polling showed support for their movement has dropped among Millennials and older members of Generation Z.

All of this goes to show that companies ought to think twice before embracing the radical LGBT ideology and agenda.

GLAAD Survey Finds Millennials Increasingly Uncomfortable With LGBT Movement

The radical pro-LGBT organization GLAAD recently released the results of its annual survey on Americans’ “comfort levels” with LGBT people — and the findings are a little surprising.

The survey shows that U.S. adults are increasingly uncomfortable with LGBT people and issues — with Millennials ages 18 – 34 apparently leading this shift.

According to the survey, the number of non-LGBT adults ages 18 – 34 who are uncomfortable with learning a family member is LGBT rose from 24% in 2016 to 36% in 2018.

The number of Millennials uncomfortable with the idea of their children having a lesson on LGBT history at school rose from 27% to 39% during that same time.

Strikingly, the number of Millennials that GLAAD counts as “allies” — people who are comfortable with LGBT efforts at every point — dropped from 62% in 2016 to 45% in 2018.

Needless to say, GLAAD — who recently announced they want to enshrine their radical LGBT ideals in the U.S. Constitution — is alarmed by these findings.

Their solution is to further “educate” Millennials about things like tolerance and inclusion. But as many pundits have pointed out, groups like GLAAD have been pushing the LGBT agenda on Millennials for years.

This shift among Millennials probably is the result of several factors, but one of them may be the move to force acceptance of transgender behavior in our culture. Groups like GLAAD have spent the past few years bullying and marginalizing anyone who even questions whether or not it’s appropriate to give puberty blockers to elementary school children or let men into women’s shower facilities and locker rooms. Is it any wonder that Millennials might be uncomfortable with those kinds of heavy-handed tactics?

Biological Males Dominating Women’s Track and Field Competitions

We’ve written before about efforts to force public schools to let boys enter girls’ showers, locker rooms, changing areas, and restrooms at school.

These radical policies are part of the movement to embrace transgender ideology, and they put children at serious risk.

In some states, these same policies are spilling over into high school athletics — and they are hurting students.

Recently our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom filed a complaint with the federal government on behalf of a group of female high school athletes in Connecticut, writing,

Selina Soule is a 16-year-old high school student at Glastonbury High School in Connecticut. Like many prep athletes her age, Selina has devoted countless days, nights, and weekends to training, striving to shave mere fractions of a second off her race times. She does so in the hopes of personal satisfaction of victory, an opportunity to participate in state and regional meets, and a chance to earn a college scholarship.

Yet, despite her best efforts, Selina has gone into races over the past two years knowing that she has little chance of winning. . . .

At the Connecticut indoor track championship in late February of this year, Selina missed out on qualifying for the New England regionals by two spots—both of which were taken by female-identifying boys. Not only that, but the two boys claimed the top spots at 6.95 seconds—a girls state indoor track “record”—and 7.01 seconds. The third-place contestant crossed the line at 7.23 seconds.

Selina didn’t get a chance to compete at the New England regionals and make an impression on college scouts—all because of the CIAC’s policy that prioritizes beliefs about gender over biology. . . .

This week, Selina and two other anonymous girls’ track athletes took a major step to correct the situation in Connecticut. As the named complainant on a Title IX complaintthat Alliance Defending Freedom filed with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Selina is asking that the OCR investigate illegal discrimination against the Connecticut athletes. The complaint also notes that CIAC’s policy and its results directly violated the requirements of Title IX, a federal educational regulation designed to protect equal opportunities, including in athletics, for women and girls.

Letting male athletes who claim to be female compete against women can be more than just unfair. In some cases, it can be dangerous.

As John Stonestreet at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview noted in 2016,

In a 2014 Mixed Martial Arts fight, a transgendered fighter, Fallon Fox, destroyed Tamikka Brents, giving Brents a concussion and breaking her eye socket. As Brents put it, “I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night.” She continued, “I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life” and “I’m an abnormally strong female in my own right.”

And mind you, Fox underwent reassignment surgery in 2006 and had been on hormone therapy ever since. In other words, Fox is as “transitioned” as a transgendered athlete can be, and still the competition was blatantly unfair.

All of this is simply another example of the consequences of radical LGBT policies.

Photo by Kolleen Gladden on Unsplash