VA Med Center: Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain

The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain, Michigan, has a dedicated chapel open to the public 24 hours a day, but the med center has placed a curtain around the altar, cross, and statue of Jesus at the front of the room.

The center wrote on its Facebook page that the VA’s federal policy is to maintain “the chapel as religiously neutral only when chapel services are not being conducted or being used by a specific faith group.” So when a Christian group wants to use the chapel for services, the curtain can be drawn back; otherwise, the curtain must stay in place.


Seven Things to Know About Greece v. Galloway

Earlier this week we told you about the U.S. Supreme Court’s favorable ruling in the case of Greece v. Galloway. The ruling affirms–once again–that legislative bodies are free to open meetings in prayer.

Today Alliance Defending Freedom has released a list of seven important things to know about the ruling. They are:

  1. The town of Greece is inclusive.
  2. Being offended does not violate the Constitution.
  3. The Obama administration sided with Greece.
  4. You are free to pray.
  5. Prayers must “lend gravity” to the meeting.
  6. The vote was 5-4.
  7. This decision has ramifications upon other similar cases still in progress.

You can read a short summary of each point listed above by going to ADF’s website.