Arkansans Spending Millions on Marijuana During Pandemic

Since March 11, Arkansans have bought nearly $24.4 million worth of so-called “medical” marijuana, according an article published by KUAR.

The major increase in “medical” marijuana sales tracks with the COVID-19 outbreak — and public health officials encouraging Arkansans to stock up on supplies.

According to officials from Arkansas’ Department of Finance and Administration, some “medical” marijuana users appear to be spending upwards of $2,000 per month on marijuana, on average.

Like we have said before, marijuana is big business in Arkansas.

The state’s “medical” marijuana amendment is so open-ended that practically anybody can buy and use marijuana.

Marijuana use is tied to a host of health problems.

A 2019 study presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions found that marijuana addiction among young people is tied to increased risk of heart problems.

A second study found regular marijuana use increases a young person’s risk of suffering a stroke.

Marijuana use is tied to stroke as well as permanent loss in IQ and an increased risk for schizophrenia.

That’s part of the reason why the U.S. Surgeon General has issued warnings about marijuana.

As we have said for years: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

Utah Children Hospitalized After Eating Candy Laced With Marijuana

KUTV in Utah reports two children have been hospitalized after eating candy laced with marijuana.

On of the children — a five year old girl — reportedly had to be placed in ICU.

According to KUTV, the candy came from a local food bank that had received it by mistake via a food donation.

Unfortunately, stories like these are too common. We have written again and again about children hospitalized because they ate food or candy that they did not realize was laced with marijuana.

As we have said many times: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.