The State House Needs God, Too!

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Luke McCoy.

Proverbs 29:2 (NASB) reads, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man rules, people groan.”

If a world were described in which controversial, political topics that had religious basis were no longer a threat to people of faith, would you consider that a work of God’s people or Jesus’ second coming? For many centuries we have seen that when good people do nothing, evil prevails. It could also be said that when good men do nothing, very little good—if any—gets done.

So, why do so many Christians excuse themselves from influencing their local, state, and federal government?


Union Demands USAF Officials Remove “I Stand With Phil” Stickers

From Family Research Council:

It used to be offensive to support natural marriage — now it’s offensive just to like someone who does! Even, two Eglin Air Force officials found out, if that “someone” is a famous celebrity. In a mind-blowing story of political correctness run amok, a controversy is rocking a Florida military base over two tiny decals stuck to the back of employees’ personal vehicles. “I stand with Phil” is all the stickers said — but it’s enough, one government union argues, to get the officials fired.

The “Phil,” of course, is a reference to “Duck Dynasty’s” famous — and unabashedly Christian — patriarch. By supporting the Robertsons’ leader, who spoke out against same-sex “marriage” in December, the American Federation of Government Employees insists that base officials are somehow violating the Civil Rights Act — even though the display is on their personal property. Fox News’s Todd Starnes, who broke the story, interviewed the union rep, who said someone on base had reported the employee, “offended and disgusted that a senior management official would display the decal on their pod.”
