CA Costco Labels Bible “Fiction”

Costco is in hot water this week after it says “human error” left “Fiction” labels on every copy of the Bible for sale in at least one California store.

Todd Starnes writes he was contacted by a pastor who was outraged on seeing copies of the Bible labeled “Fiction.” Starnes writes,

“He thought there must be some sort of mistake so he scoured the shelf for other Bibles. Every copy was plastered with a sticker that read, ‘$14.99 Fiction.'”

Starnes contacted Costco for an explanation, and was promptly told the labels were the result of “human error.”

The problem is, as Starnes also points out, Costco hasn’t fixed the error. There’s still a pile of Bibles for sale at Costco under the “Fiction” category. Human error or not, that’s a big deal. As KERO-Bakersfield notes, “[T]he Bibles already labeled as fiction on store shelves have not been relabeled. The company did not apologize.”

Labeling the Bible as “Fiction” marginalizes our Christian faith, and refusing to correct that mistake once it’s noticed marginalizes it further. At the very least, it’s insulting; at worst, it shows that maybe Costco doesn’t really think slapping a “Fiction” label on the Bible was such a mistake after all.

Either way, it’s disconcerting.

Words from Our Presidents: Reagan on the Bible

As part of a series entitled Words from Our Presidents we are bringing you different from quotes from U.S. Presidents on religion, religious liberty, and individual freedom. Today we have a quote from President Reagan’s proclamation designating 1983 “The Year of the Bible” in America and calling all Americans to reexamine the Bible’s “priceless and timeless message.”

“Of the many influences that have shaped the United States of America into a distinctive Nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.”

President Ronald Reagan
February 3, 1983

Words from Our Presidents: Bush, Sr., on Voluntary Prayer in School

As part of a series entitled Words from Our Presidents we are bringing you different from quotes from U.S. Presidents on religion, religious liberty, and individual freedom. Today we have a 1992 quote from President George H. W. Bush on voluntary prayer in public schools.

“Something’s wrong when kids can get birth control in school but can’t say a prayer in school.”

President George H. W. Bush
August 22, 1992