Biden Administration’s Abortion Stance Underscores Importance of Arkansas’ Pro-Life Laws

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to reverse Roe v. Wade and let states enact their own abortion policies, the Biden Administration has released statements and taken actions that underscore the importance of Arkansas’ existing pro-life laws.

A recent fact sheet from the Biden Administration indicated that President Biden wants to expand access to the RU-486 abortion drug and expressed continued support for delivering abortion drugs by mail in America.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland also released a statement in support of RU-486.

Right now abortion is illegal in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother. That law applies to chemical abortions as well as surgical abortions.

However, the Biden Administration appears to be looking for ways to help abortionists circumvent state pro-life laws.

The president also seems to be taking steps to discourage states from enforcing anti-abortion laws.

All of this underscores the importance of pro-life legislation that Arkansas has passed to restrict and prohibit abortion-inducing drugs.

In particular, Act 562 of 2021 by Rep. Sonia Barker (R – Smackover) and Sen. Blake Johnson (R – Corning) updates Arkansas’ restrictions on abortion-inducing drugs like RU-486, and it prohibits abortion drugs from being delivered by mail in Arkansas.

That means that even if the Biden Administration makes it easier for abortionists to deliver RU-486 to women, it will still be illegal for them to mail, ship, or deliver abortion drugs in Arkansas.

RU-486 takes the life of an unborn baby — but it also is dangerous for women.

Official reports from the state Health Department show there were at least 23 complications reported from women who took abortion drugs in Arkansas last year.

Laws like Act 562 are just one example of the type of pro-life legislation that Arkansas will need to uphold now that Roe v. Wade has finally been reversed.

Photo Credit: Palácio do Planalto from Brasilia, Brasil, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Arkansas’ Leaders Respond to Reversal of Roe

On Friday the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision reversing Roe v. Wade by a vote of 6-3.

Arkansas’ pro-life leaders and elected officials issued statements in response to the ruling.

Family Council President Jerry Cox said,

This is historic. There are people who have dedicated their entire lives to reversing Roe v. Wade. It’s incredible to see that happen. Today’s Supreme Court decision recognizes that Roe v. Wade was wrong from the very beginning. As long as this ruling stands and our pro-life laws are enforced, thousands of unborn babies will be saved from abortion in Arkansas and elsewhere every year. That’s a reason to celebrate.

Arkansas Right to Life Director Rose Mimms said,

I want to say thanks be to God who made this day happen. . . . We are going to fight with everything we have to keep Arkansas a pro-life state and to make our nation a pro-life country.

U.S. Senator Tom Cotton said,

“Roe was a tragic mistake, taking from the American people and their elected representatives a deeply moral question. The Supreme Court has finally corrected this mistake and I highly commend the millions of Americans who toiled for years to achieve this great victory for unborn life and self-government.”

U.S. Senator John Boozman said,

“This is a long-awaited, consequential day for our nation. The Supreme Court’s decision to affirm there is no constitutional right to indiscriminately sacrifice the lives of children in their mothers’ wombs is the culmination of decades of work to correct the tragic, deadly lie that unborn babies are expendable and undeserving of protection. I’m pleased to have helped confirm justices to our nation’s highest court who are committed to interpreting the Constitution in a manner that is consistent and true to its intent and meaning. With this ruling, the American people will finally have the opportunity to enact their will on this issue instead of unelected judges in Washington, D.C. I am proud of Arkansas’s steadfast commitment to defend the sanctity, dignity and value of every human life, including vulnerable children who deserve our compassion and care.”

U.S. Congressman French Hill (AR-02) tweeted:

As a man of faith and as a father, I have always and will continue to support policies that uplift families and value life. I am pleased with the Supreme Court’s decision today, that elevates life by affirming that there is no constitutional right to an abortion.

U.S. Congressman Steve Womack (AR-03) wrote:

The dignity and value of each human life has been upheld. This decision rightfully restores the American people’s ability to protect babies and recognizes the science-backed truths of the humanity of the unborn. The Supreme Court’s duty is to follow the Constitution and enact jurisprudence based in fact. Today, reason—not bullying and intimidation tactics—prevailed. Arkansans celebrate knowing the innocent lives and morality at the heart of this case have been given a voice.

U.S. Congressman Bruce Westerman (AR-04) wrote:

“I am ecstatic to see the U.S. Supreme Court today rectify its 1973 decision by reversing Roe v. Wade and sending the issue of abortion back to the States,” said Rep. Westerman. “Life is a right. Abortion is not. Our system of government is not based on unelected judges creating a right that doesn’t exist in the Constitution. A new day has dawned in America, and many innocent lives will be saved in the years to come. Make no mistake, we must help struggling women and ensure they have every resource they need throughout and after pregnancy. Women will always have choices. As many as two million U.S. families are looking to adopt at any given time, while roughly 700,000 abortions are performed each year. Each of these precious lives could have a family ready and willing to provide a loving home. I look forward to a day when all Americans reject the horrors of abortion in their own states to ensure the right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every child.”

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson said,

For decades I have said Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. Today, the Supreme Court overturned the abortion ruling and returned the issue to the states. Arkansas is a pro-life state, and we are able now to protect life.