School Cancels Graduation Over Prayer Controversy

Riverside School District has canceled sixth grade graduation ceremonies following a threatening letter received from the Freedom From Religion Foundation out of Wisconsin.

The letter alleges that student-lead prayer at graduation ceremonies is unconstitutional, and threatens to file suit against the school if the prayer is permitted.

This marks yet another run-in Arkansas schools have had with the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and another instance of the group using threatening letters to try to squelch religious expression.

Watch the news story here.

Military May Court Martial Christians for Sharing Faith

“If these fundamentalist Christian monsters of human degradation, marginalization, humiliation and tyranny cannot broker or barter your acceptance of their putrid theology, then they crave for your universal silence in the face of their rapacious reign of theocratic terror. Indeed, they ceaselessly lust, ache, and pine for you to do absolutely nothing to thwart their oppression. Comply, my friends, and you, too, become as monstrously savage as are they. I beg you, do not feed these hideous monsters with your stoic lethargy, callousness and neutrality. Do not lubricate the path of their racism, bigotry, and prejudice. Doing so directly threatens the national security of our beautiful nation.” -Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, the founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF)

Mr. Weinstein, quoted above by Focus on the Family, recently met with U.S. generals to discuss the military’s policies on religious liberty in the armed forces. Ordinarily, this type of rhetoric might not be much cause for concern, but the Pentagon has confirmed to other news sources that religious persons who try to share their faith may face court martials or other forms of punishment.
