Pastors’ Day at the Capitol is February 7, 2023

Imagine the echo of worship—the prayers of godly men and women—the Gospel openly proclaimed in Arkansas’ most prominent place—the State Capitol Building!

Ministers, church leaders, and their families can be salt and light by joining together from all over Arkansas in the State Capitol Rotunda from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on February 7, 2023, for Pastors’ Day at the Capitol.

This nonpartisan event will focus on worshiping God, praying for our leaders, ministering to those in authority, fostering better relationships between ministers and legislators, practicing responsible citizenship, and learning how congregations can do the same. 

This is an opportunity for church leaders to:

  • Be encouraged, empowered, inspired, and informed. 
  • Be a witness for Jesus Christ through prayer, praise, and worship in the Capitol Rotunda.
  • Fellowship with like-minded pastors from all over Arkansas over a light breakfast and lunch.
  • See lawmakers debate bills and pass laws, and learn how the legislative process really works.
  • Tour the State Capitol Building.
  • Learn how churches can fulfill the biblical mandate to pray for those in authority.
  • Get to know some of Arkansas’ leading policy makers.
  • Meet state legislators, and other high-ranking state officials.

To register go to: 

If you have any questions, please contact Charisse Dean at or call 501-375-7000.

118 AR Ministers, Church Leaders Sign Letter Against Casino Proposal

On Monday Family Council Action Committee released an open letter from ministers and church leaders opposed to Issue 4, a proposed state constitutional amendment authorizing four casinos in Arkansas.

The letter reads,

As ministers and leaders in Arkansas, one of our primary responsibilities is to lead God’s people and protect them from any and all forms of harm and danger. That is why we are each signing this letter in opposition to the proposed ballot measure Issue 4.

Issue 4 would amend our state’s constitution to legalize casino gambling in Arkansas. This is not a political issue or an economic issue. This is a social and moral issue. Passing Issue 4 quite literally would wreck families and ruin lives in Arkansas.

Casino gambling is tied to crime, bankruptcy, homelessness, domestic violence, divorce, and suicide. Countless children have gone hungry and been neglected, living in poverty, because of a parent’s gambling addiction.

It is our sincere conviction that legalizing casino gambling in Arkansas will harm the families and communities we are called to serve. As Christians, we are instructed to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Issue 4 would hurt our neighbors and their loved ones. For this reason, we oppose Issue 4 and we hope that other Arkansans will as well.

Altogether, 118 ministers and church leaders signed the letter, including former Baptist pastor and Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee; Pastor Ronnie Floyd; and Pastor Greg Sykes, President of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.

Click here to download a copy of the letter and a list of the ministers and church leaders who signed it.

You can read an analysis of Issue 4 here.