Arkansas House Rejects Bad End-of-Life Legislation

On Wednesday the Arkansas House Representatives rejected two bad pieces of end-of-life legislation.
The first was H.B. 1685.
This bad bill lets healthcare workers who are not physicians work through end-of-life decisions with patients and family members. It does not require healthcare workers making these decisions to have appropriate training in end-of-life care. It makes it easier to deny a dying person food or water. Read H.B. 1685 Here.
H.B. 1685 received 31 votes. Fifty-five representatives voted against it.
The second was H.B. 1686.
This bad bill lets healthcare workers who are not physicians complete Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms. It removes an important provision in state law that says a POLST form is not intended to replace an advance directive. It inadvertently prevents consulting physicians — such as palliative care physicians — from completing POLST forms with patients. Read H.B. 1686 Here.
H.B. 1686 received 38 votes. Forty-eight representatives voted against it.
Both bills were opposed by several different groups, including:
- National Right to Life
- Arkansas Right to Life
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition USA
- Family Council
- Northwest Arkansas Respect Life
- Arkansas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents
Below is a breakdown of the vote on H.B. 1685 and H.B. 1686.
Voted FOR H.B. 1685
- F. Allen
- Barker
- Bentley
- Cavenaugh
- Clowney
- Coleman
- Dalby
- M. Davis
- Eubanks
- Evans
- K. Ferguson
- D. Ferguson
- Fielding
- V. Flowers
- D. Garner
- Godfrey
- M. Gray
- M. Hodges
- Hollowell
- Ladyman
- McCullough
- Miller
- Murdock
- Payton
- Perry
- Richmond
- S. Smith
- Wardlaw
- Warren
- D. Whitaker
- Wing
Voted AGAINST H.B. 1685
- Beatty Jr.
- S. Berry
- M. Berry
- Boyd
- Breaux
- Brooks
- Brown
- Bryant
- Carr
- Christiansen
- Cloud
- A. Collins
- C. Cooper
- Cozart
- Crawford
- Deffenbaugh
- Dotson
- Ennett
- C. Fite
- L. Fite
- Fortner
- Gazaway
- Haak
- Holcomb
- Hudson
- Jean
- Jett
- L. Johnson
- Lowery
- Lundstrum
- Lynch
- Maddox
- J. Mayberry
- McClure
- McCollum
- M. McElroy
- McGrew
- McKenzie
- McNair
- S. Meeks
- Milligan
- Penzo
- Ray
- Richardson
- Rye
- Scott
- Slape
- B. Smith
- Speaks
- Springer
- Tosh
- Underwood
- Watson
- Womack
- Wooten
Voted “Present” on H.B. 1685
- Bragg
- Furman
- Hillman
Did Not Vote On H.B. 1685
- Beck
- Eaves
- Gonzales
- Hawks
- Love
- Magie
- Nicks
- Pilkington
- Shepherd
- Tollett
- Vaught
Voted FOR H.B. 1686
- F. Allen
- Barker
- Beck
- Bentley
- Brown
- Cavenaugh
- Clowney
- Coleman
- Dalby
- M. Davis
- Eaves
- Eubanks
- Evans
- K. Ferguson
- D. Ferguson
- Fielding
- V. Flowers
- D. Garner
- Godfrey
- Gonzales
- M. Gray
- Hillman
- M. Hodges
- Hollowell
- Hudson
- Ladyman
- McClure
- McCullough
- S. Meeks
- Miller
- Murdock
- Nicks
- Payton
- Perry
- S. Smith
- Wardlaw
- Warren
- D. Whitaker
Voted AGAINST H.B. 1686
- Beatty Jr.
- S. Berry
- M. Berry
- Boyd
- Bragg
- Breaux
- Brooks
- Bryant
- Carr
- Christiansen
- Cloud
- A. Collins
- C. Cooper
- Crawford
- Deffenbaugh
- Dotson
- Ennett
- C. Fite
- L. Fite
- Gazaway
- Haak
- Hawks
- Holcomb
- L. Johnson
- Lowery
- Lundstrum
- Lynch
- Maddox
- J. Mayberry
- McCollum
- M. McElroy
- McGrew
- McKenzie
- Milligan
- Penzo
- Pilkington
- Ray
- Rye
- Scott
- Slape
- B. Smith
- Speaks
- Springer
- Tosh
- Underwood
- Watson
- Womack
- Wooten
Voted “Present” On H.B. 1686
- Furman
- Vaught
Did Not Vote on H.B. 1686
- Cozart
- Fortner
- Jean
- Jett
- Love
- Magie
- McNair
- Richardson
- Richmond
- Shepherd
- Tollett
- Wing