City of El Dorado Temporarily Reinstates Public Drinking for New Year’s Eve Block Party
The El Dorado News-Times reports the El Dorado City Council has voted to temporarily reinstate public drinking in an “entertainment district” for an upcoming New Year’s Eve block party.
In 2019 lawmakers passed Act 812 letting cities create “entertainment districts” where alcohol can be carried and consumed publicly on streets and sidewalks. These districts can be either permanent or temporary under the law.
Following passage of Act 812, El Dorado became one of the first cities in Arkansas to establish an entertainment district. However, this year the city council voted unanimously to shut down public drinking due to ongoing problems with fighting, vandalism, and other disorderly behavior in the district.
Now the El Dorado City Council has opted to create a temporary “entertainment district” where public drinking will be allowed on December 31.
As we have said for years, public drinking is a scourge on the community.
It raises serious concerns about drunk driving and public safety.
Public drinking doesn’t attract new businesses, bolster the economy, or revitalize Main Street. It hurts neighborhoods and families. It simply does not belong in Arkansas’ communities.
Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.