Reminder: Ask Sens. Pryor and Boozman to Oppose ENDA

Last week we told you about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, also known as ENDA.

ENDA is presented as anti-discrimination legislation; the reality, however, is it it injects sexual expression into workplace decisions, and it will affect religious employers and religious organization. As Family Research Council notes,

Homosexuals, cross-dressers, and transgendered workers would automatically qualify for special treatment that other workers would not. Can you imagine walking into your child’s classroom and meeting a teacher dressed in drag? Neither can most Americans. But unfortunately, that’s just one of the many consequences of adopting a law as dangerous as this one. Preschools, daycare centers, summer camps, religious chains like Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A — they’ll all be subject to the law, regardless of their personal beliefs and workplace standards.

ENDA is yet another example of legislation running roughshod over religious liberty. It is vaguely-written, and will only be clarified through expensive and time-consuming litigation in our courts.

Senator Reid has indicated plans to bring ENDA up for a vote in the U.S. Senate as early as this week. Please contact Senators Pryor and Boozman today, and ask them each to oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 815).

You can contact Senator Pryor here.

You can contact Senator Boozman here.

Si Robertson Shares His Christian Faith (2 Videos)

Reality TV’s favorite uncle, Si Robertson of Duck Dynasty, has done a series of phone interviews with

In this short video, Si discusses everything from Hollywood’s bewilderment with Christianity to his personal story of giving his life to Christ. Watch below.

Si also sat down to do an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network earlier this year. You can watch it below.

Jerry Meets With Delegation From Republic of Georgia

A delegation from the Republic of Georgia visited Family Council on Thursday.

Family Council President Jerry Cox and Government Affairs Director Ken Yang spoke to the group about current issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and the attack on religious liberty in the U.S.

The members of the delegation appeared to be supportive of traditional marriage and pro-life. Jerry showed the group two framed letters from the wall of his office. The first was a personal letter from Bill Clinton in which he, as governor, promised to sign a pro-life bill Jerry had lobbied for. The other was a 1985 letter from President Ronald Reagan commending the pro-life work being done by Rob Shafer, Kevin McCray, Jerry, and others. The members of the delegation were visibly impressed by the Reagan letter.
