The Right to Choose?


The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Christa Adams.

Abortion proponents tout that a woman should have the “right to choose” what happens in her body and should have access to safe abortions.  However, time and time again cases come to light where a woman may have had access to an abortion, but it was unsafe or she was coerced into abortion by lack of knowledge, by various other parties, or in some cases the abortionists themselves.  Itai Gravely is just one of these women.


FRC: Obama Administration Opposing Religious Speech

The following is a press release received from the Family Research Council.

CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Darin Miller, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866) 372-6397

Obama Administration’s Opposition to Religious Freedom Amendment Demonstrates Complicity in Pentagon’s Religious Speech Scandal
June 12, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, the Obama administration issued a statement of administration policy saying it “strongly objects” to Rep. John Fleming’s religious freedom amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. Fleming’s (R-La.) amendment was approved last week by the House Armed Services Committee in response to the growing and open hostility toward religious expression by service members.
