Nearly 700 Bills Filed in One Day

Yesterday marked the deadline for filing new legislation at the Capitol for this legislative session.

From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. yesterday, nearly 700 bills and resolutions were filed by lawmakers. More than 650 of those were new laws senators and representatives would like to propose.

Many of these were what we call “shell bills.” Shell bills simply state the bill’s purpose in a sentence or two, and are fleshed out later with amendments. Others, however, are already complete pieces of legislation.

Here are a few bills filed yesterday worth noting:


Public School “Minute of Silence” Bill Filed by Rep. Debra Hobbs

Rep. Debra Hobbs has filed a bill (HB1690) to require that every public school in Arkansas observe a minute of silence at the beginning of each day.

During this allotted time, a student may reflect, pray, or engage in any other silent activity that doesn’t interfere with or distract another student.

School days are busy and full of distractions. We think just a little time to focus—however a student chooses to do so—will benefit students and teachers alike as they prepare for the day.

If you agree, please contact the members of the House Education Committee and ask them to support this bill. Click here for a list of every committee member. Click a name and you’ll be taken to contact information for that representative.