From ADF: France Trades Speech for Genderless Society

As the French government has taken new, radical steps to eliminate gender from many of its laws–including laws pertaining to homosexuality and marriage–French officials are asking Twitter to help censor messages from its people that run counter to the government’s genderless message.

Alan Sears with Alliance Defending Freedom writes

When a society’s laws recognizing marriage as the union of one man and one woman are changed to honor the unions of same-sex couples, it’s not just the law that changes—it’s also the society itself that changes. A top-down metamorphosis begins in which every aspect of public law changes to match the new definition of marriage.

Today, this is playing out in France with great clarity.


Pastors Prayer Meeting a Success

About a dozen ministers braved the icy weather to meet with and pray over lawmakers at the Capitol in Little Rock yesterday morning. Several of us joined legislators for breakfast in the cafeteria beforehand to talk about the pressures elected officials face and offer support and encouragement. Afterwards, we met in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building for corporate and individual prayer. About 25 lawmakers came to meet with pastors throughout the course of the morning.
