White House’s Family Program Overlooks Importance of Marriage

Last February, President Obama announced a new initiative “designed to determine what works to help young people stay on track to reach their full potential.”

The initiative is called “My Brother’s Keeper.” Its stated goal is to create and expand opportunities for young minorities. The president’s memo, talking-points, and official report on the program all identify poverty, poor education, and other issues as problems that need to be addressed.

President Obama wrote,

“Specifically, the Task Force [for My Brother’s Keeper] shall focus on the following issues, among others: access to early childhood supports; grade school literacy; pathways to college and a career, including issues arising from school disciplinary action; access to mentoring services and support networks; and interactions with the criminal justice system and violent crime.”

Despite My Brother’s Keeper being an effort to rebuild communities and strengthen families, we could not find one instance of the word “marriage” being used anywhere in the White House’s documents on the program. The reports talk about parents, children, mothers, and fathers, but not about marriage.

Here is why that is so significant: (more…)

Union Demands USAF Officials Remove “I Stand With Phil” Stickers

From Family Research Council:

It used to be offensive to support natural marriage — now it’s offensive just to like someone who does! Even, two Eglin Air Force officials found out, if that “someone” is a famous celebrity. In a mind-blowing story of political correctness run amok, a controversy is rocking a Florida military base over two tiny decals stuck to the back of employees’ personal vehicles. “I stand with Phil” is all the stickers said — but it’s enough, one government union argues, to get the officials fired.

The “Phil,” of course, is a reference to “Duck Dynasty’s” famous — and unabashedly Christian — patriarch. By supporting the Robertsons’ leader, who spoke out against same-sex “marriage” in December, the American Federation of Government Employees insists that base officials are somehow violating the Civil Rights Act — even though the display is on their personal property. Fox News’s Todd Starnes, who broke the story, interviewed the union rep, who said someone on base had reported the employee, “offended and disgusted that a senior management official would display the decal on their pod.”


Video: AR Pastor Ronnie Floyd Opens U.S. House with Prayer

Pastor Ronnie Floyd of Cross Church in Fayetteville opened the U.S. House of Representatives with prayer this morning.

Pastor Floyd was recently elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The act of opening public meetings with prayer is a longstanding American tradition that, as the U.S. Supreme Court has noted, predates the U.S. Constitution. We are pleased to see Pastor Floyd participating in that tradition, asking for divine wisdom for our elected officials.

Watch his prayer below.