Please Join Us for the Pastor’s Prayer Assembly Next Week

Several years ago a state lawmaker told me that his rides home from Little Rock on the weekends were always a little depressing; he would pass his neighbors’ houses on his way into town, and he would reflect on how the votes he cast and the things he stood for that week hadn’t always reflected how the folks back home would have wanted him to act. How sad a situation. Encouragement, especially for a politician, can be difficult to give at times. However, the Apostle Paul tells Timothy to pray “for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim 2:2).

That is why we are cordially inviting ministers across the state of Arkansas to join us in worship at the Capitol Building Thursday, February 27, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and also on Wednesday, March 5, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for the Pastors Prayer Breakfast Assembly. We will start both days with breakfast in the Capitol Cafeteria (“Big Room”) located in the lower level of the Capitol Building, and then we will make our way upstairs for a short tour and assemble to pray for all of our 135 legislators and 7 constitutional officers. Optional activities are available afterwards.


40 Days for Life Kicks Off in Little Rock Next Weekend

It’s almost time, once again, for 40 Days for Life.

40 Days for Life is a series of prayer vigils across America. Starting March 5, pro-lifers around the country will gather to pray peacefully outside abortion clinics. 40 Days for Life has been credited with saving unborn babies from abortion, helping abortion clinic employees leave the abortion industry, and leading many people to Christ.

40 Days for Life in Little Rock will kick off Sunday, March 2, at 3:00 p.m. at the abortion clinic located at #4 Office Park Dr. just off Financial Parkway in west Little Rock. Steve Karlen from the National 40 Days for Life Campaign will be the keynote speaker.

I strongly encourage you to bring members of your church or Sunday school class to this event on March 2, and be sure to come out at some point between Wednesday, March 5, and Easter Sunday to pray that abortion will end.

For more information on 40 Days for Life in Little Rock, click here.

Is you would like information on 40 Days for Life in Fayetteville, click here.

Lottery Lowers Scholarship Goal, Shows Evidence of Poor Management

The Arkansas Lottery is “a success story” compared to other state lotteries, but it’s reducing its college scholarship budget for the year.

That’s what lottery officials said in a meeting yesterday. The Arkansas Lottery is reducing scholarship projections for 2014 by roughly $6.8 million. This tracks with what we wrote last week about how the Arkansas Lottery is on target to come in nearly $8 million under budget on scholarships this year.

If you read the news coverage from yesterday’s meeting, it seems as if lottery officials are ready to blame the budget shortfall on everything and everybody except themselves. The lottery is allegedly struggling because they can’t accept credit or debit cards; because they can’t sell lottery tickets online; because they can’t do monitor games; because scratch-off ticket sales are down; and because they took a loss on a new raffle game.

But lottery officials say Arkansas’ lottery is “a success story” compared to other state lotteries, because we are sixteenth out of forty-five states in lottery ticket sales, per-capita.

Something about those statements just doesn’t add up.
