Family Council Joins Amicus Brief Supporting WV Pro-Life Law

On Monday Family Council joined a friend-of-the-court brief supporting a West Virginia pro-life law in federal court.

Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin filed a separate brief in the case on Monday as well.

After the 2022 Dobbs decision reversed Roe v. Wade, West Virginia strengthened its pro-life laws, but abortion drug manufacturer GenBioPro sued the state. A federal court partially dismissed the lawsuit last August, but GenBioPro appealed the case to the Fourth Circuit.

Monday’s brief led by Advancing American Freedom argued that states have the authority and the responsibility to protect the fundamental rights of the people — including the rights of unborn children — and that abortion drugs are dangerous; the drugs are deadly for the unborn child and
potentially harmful or deadly for the woman who takes them.

This court case in West Virginia could affect pro-life laws around the country in the future. With that in mind, it’s important for pro-life states to stand up for one another in federal court.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Family Council Hosts Pastor’s Day at the Capitol 2024

Above: Gov. Sanders speaks to those gathered at Pastor’s Day at the Capitol on April 16, 2024.

On Tuesday Family Council hosted Pastor’s Day at the Capitol 2024. Church leaders and elected officials gathered in the Rotunda of the Arkansas Capitol Building for prayer and worship and to hear special messages.

This annual, nonpartisan event focuses on worshiping God, praying for our leaders, ministering to those in authority, fostering better relationships between ministers and legislators, practicing responsible citizenship, and learning how congregations can do the same.

Imagine the echo of worship—the prayers of godly men and women—the Gospel openly proclaimed in Arkansas’ most prominent place—the State Capitol Building!

That’s why we tell people Pastor’s Day at the Capitol is one of the best things we do all year.

We appreciate everyone who joined us for this special day — especially Bishop Silas Johnson, Treasurer Larry Walther, Sen. Kim Hammer, Gov. Sarah Sanders, and our many other guests. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year!

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.