More Evidence Kids Need a Mom and a Dad

Earlier this year author and New York psychoanalyst Erica Komisar published a book called Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three Years Matters.

In the book Komisar highlights the critical role moms play in the first three years of a child’s development. She also shows the devastation caused when a child’s mother is absent.

For example, Komisar notes that from 2011 to 2012 the number of children diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder rose to 19%, and that nearly one in four children will be diagnosed with a mental disorder before the age of 18.

Komisar says the cause of the problem is simple: “The essential presence of a mother is missing” from the lives of these children.

Komisar is essentially echoing what we and many others have said for years: Kids need a mom and a dad.

Our friends at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview have put together an excellent commentary on Erica Komisar’s book here.

Photo Credit: By No machine-readable author provided. Doreendotto assumed (based on copyright claims). [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

The First Arkansas Thanksgiving:

We’re counting down to Thanksgiving at our office. Today we’re looking at Arkansas’ very first Thanksgiving proclamation.

In October of 1847, Arkansas’ third governor, Gov. Thomas Drew, issued Arkansas very Thanksgiving proclamation. The proclamation set aside Thursday, December 8, 1847, as a day of thanksgiving. In it, Gov. Drew highlighted the many blessings Arkansas had enjoyed—including Arkansas’ great people, abundant crops, prosperity, and good health. He concluded by calling on Arkansans to thank God for these blessings.

You can read Gov. Drew’s entire Thanksgiving proclamation here.

Gov. Drew’s proclamation is significant, because it came at a time when Thanksgiving was not formally recognized by Congress or the President. Instead, different states took the initiative to set aside a day for giving thanks. Arkansas was among them.

If you have never donated to Family Council or the Education Alliance, now is a great time to do so. Your financial support will make Arkansas a better place to live, work, and raise a family. It will promote and strengthen home schooling. It will help fight abortion and make Arkansas a more pro-life state. Click here to send a generous, tax-deductible donation today.

WANTED: Arkansas’ Longest Married Couple

Friday, November 10, 2017

LITTLE ROCK, AR – For the first time ever, Arkansas Family Council is launching a search for Arkansas’ Longest Married Couple. We want couples to share their stories of a lifetime commitment to marriage and family. When the search ends in early February 2018, Family Council will honor the longest married couple and their family. The Top Ten Longest Married Couples will also be honored by receiving an Official Statement of Recognition and they will be entered into the Family Council “Arkansas Marriage Hall of Fame.”

“Sharing these couples’ lifetime stories of commitment and faithfulness to each other encourages the next generation that ‘married happily ever after’ still exists. We are blessed and honored to be able to share these stories of forever love,” Jerry Cox, president of Family Council, said. “In today’s society we are surrounded by naysayers of marriage but the married couples we find will prove them all wrong and show that marriage can last a lifetime.”

“Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman,” Cox said. “It is not every day that you meet a couple married over 70 years, but when you do, there is truly something special about that relationship.”

Entries for couples married over 70 years can be submitted before February 2, 2018, by sending contact information and marriage date to For more information, please call the Family Council office at 501-375-7000.
