Man Accused of Giving Young Boys Marijuana-Laced Candy

Kush_closeNews outlets in California report a man has been accused of giving a 6-year-old boy and an 8-year-old boy some candy laced with marijuana.

The man was arrested after the 6-year-old was hospitalized for marijuana poisoning.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Children have been hospitalized repeatedly following marijuana exposure. Here are a few examples:

  1. May, 2016: A Washington man pleaded guilty to giving his 4-year-old daughter a piece of chocolate cake infused with marijuana. The man reportedly went to his daughter’s daycare, where he gave her the cake. The girl later became “extremely lethargic,” and was taken to a local hospital, where she tested positive for THC–the main, active ingredient in marijuana.
  2. May, 2016: Hospitals in Colorado reported a spike in the number of newborns born with marijuana in their systems.
  3. April, 2016: A Georgia woman was arrested after her five year old said he ate a marijuana cake for breakfast. The child was taken to the hospital for treatment following the incident; according to officials, his pulse was measured at over 200 beats per minute. According to the child’s mother, the cake laced with marijuana was given to her by another person.
  4. February, 2016: An eight-year-old Oregon boy was taken to the hospital after eating a marijuana-infused cookie he found. The cookie was sealed and labeled that it contained approximately 50 milligrams of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.
  5. March, 2015: Four high school students were hospitalized after eating brownies laced with marijuana hash oil. One student was actually found unresponsive in a school bathroom after eating a marijuana-laced brownie.
  6. February, 2015: A 20-month-old Canadian toddler overdosed after eating a marijuana-laced cookie authorities say his father baked. The child survived, but suffered seizures and had to be admitted to a hospital.
  7. December, 2014: A high school teacher in Maryland was hospitalized after a student gave her a brownie containing marijuana.
  8. December, 2014: Two middle school students in Oklahoma were rushed to the hospital after one of them reportedly passed out following marijuana-use at school.
  9. November, 2014: A Connecticut teen was taken to the hospital from school after she started having difficulty breathing following ingestion of a marijuana-laced gummy bear.
  10. June, 2014: According to The Aspen Times, a seven-year-old girl was taken to the hospital after eating marijuana-laced candy her mother brought home from work at an area hotel. The candy was left by a hotel guest–presumably as a tip.
  11. December, 2013: A two-year-old in Colorado overdosed and was hospitalized after eating a cookie laced with marijuana.News outlet indicate the girl found the cookie in the yard of an apartment complex.

These examples continue to underscore what we have said for years: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

Washington County Election Officials Refuse to Kowtow to Atheists

According to the Associated Press, Washington County election officials in Arkansas will continue using churches as polling sites despite complaints from an atheist group.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation reportedly sent a letter to the election commission discouraging the commission from using churches as polling sites on Election Day.

However, when it’s all said and done, there is no constitutional problem with letting a church serve as a polling site–and as the AP notes, election commissioners have struggled in the past to find enough polling locations for elections.

You can read more here.

Arkansas Lottery Celebrates Pathetic Numbers

Monday, July 11, 2016

LITTLE ROCK, AR – On Monday, the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery celebrated mediocre returns for fiscal 2016. Total sales increased according to a report released Monday, however the Lottery failed to disclose they gave students the same low percentage for scholarships as they did in fiscal 2015.

For every dollar earned by the Lottery, the Lottery gave only less than nineteen cents to students in Arkansas. They continue to give more in prizes, contracts, and administrative costs than they do in scholarship dollars.

“The Arkansas Scholarship Lottery should be ashamed of themselves for celebrating being near the bottom in the nation when it comes to proceeds to scholarships,” said Family Council President Jerry Cox. “The Lottery continues to skew their numbers to the public while they give very little to students in Arkansas.

“The national average of proceeds to scholarships and other intended purposes is roughly 33%, while Arkansas gives less than 19% to scholarships,” said Cox. “Those who run the Lottery should take a second look at the Lottery’s numbers before they brag about how little money they give to students; ranking near the bottom in the nation is nothing to brag about.”

Family Council is an organization of over 10,000 families and churches throughout Arkansas with a mission of promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values.
