How Marriage Is Helping Us Through COVID

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

National Review recently pointed to new research that suggests married couples are best positioned to weather the emotional and financial storms of the COVID-19 pandemic. It sounds like common sense: Married people are much less likely to report feeling lonely or isolated (despite the social distancing) and are also more financially stable than those living on their own. They also tend to have wider family networks to rely on in times of trouble.

Of course, none of this suggests that married people are morally superior to single people, or that marriage is a guarantee for success. What it does reinforce, yet again, is the truth that marriage is a good thing, not a tool of patriarchal oppression or a loss of freedom, as we so often hear. And it suggests that the decline of marriage is not a healthy trend.

And, this study should remind us married folks to look out for friends, neighbors and family who live alone.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Trans-Targeting Catholic Hospitals

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

A Catholic hospital in Baltimore is being sued by a woman for refusing to remove her perfectly healthy uterus. She claims the hospital discriminated against her because she identifies as a man.

No hospital should remove healthy organs, of course, and this Catholic hospital refused because of their faith commitments. Even if a non-transitioning woman wanted her healthy uterus removed, the Catholic hospital would refuse.

Catholic and other religiously based hospitals have been fighting this kind of absurd targeting for years, first over abortion and now over various levels of so-called sex-reassignment treatments.

This is no isolated case. A California court will hear a similar lawsuit soon, as well. As Wesley J. Smith warns at National Review, “Many Catholic hospitals will close before being forced to practice medicine in ways that violate Catholic doctrine.”

Our country’s health system is already strained, so this would be a disaster. Let’s pray religious freedom, public health, and common sense wins out over trans ideology.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

The Holocaust in China

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

Families torn from homes, loaded onto trains, sent to concentration camps. It sounds like the Nazi Holocaust, but it’s what’s happening right now in western China.

China’s sustained persecution of its Uighur Muslim minority can only be described as genocide.

Forced sterilizations and abortions have resulted in a staggering 84% drop in Uighur population growth the last few years. More than a million members of this religious minority have been detained by China in concentration camps. The U.S. State Department reports many are starved, tortured, raped, or killed.

So far, the United States is the loudest voice condemning this genocide. President Trump just signed a bipartisan condemnation of China’s actions, and another bipartisan bill could put economic teeth to that condemnation. For China’s Uighurs, it can’t come soon enough.

Now we find out if nations meant what they said after World War II. Those who keep silent in the face of this holocaust deserve the condemnation future generations will heap on them.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.