Justices Thomas and Alito Speak Out on Obergefell and Religious Freedom

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

On the first day of its new term, the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples following the Obergefell decision, which mandated same-sex marriage on the nation..

Justices Thomas and Alito, while agreeing with the court’s denial of appeal, issued a remarkable accompanying opinion stating bluntly that Obergefell has had “ruinous consequences for religious liberty.”

Because of Obergefell, wrote the Justices, believers in traditional marriage are easily labeled “bigots, making their religious liberty concerns that much easier to dismiss.”

It’s a conflict putting lives and livelihoods at risk, and it must be addressed.

Or, as Justices Thomas and Alito put it: “By choosing to privilege a novel constitutional right [to same-sex marriage] over the religious liberty interests explicitly protected in the First Amendment… the Court has created a problem that only it can fix.”

Sounds like a gauntlet has been thrown.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Video: Federal Government Sues Arkansas Kroger Over Religious Discrimination

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit last week against a Kroger store in Conway that allegedly fired two employees who declined to wear rainbow insignia at work.

According to the lawsuit, the employees considered the emblem a symbol of gay pride, and could not wear it in light of their Christian faith.

Watch this video to learn more.