Updated: Resolution Filed Declaring “Religious Freedom Day”

UPDATE: Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) has filed a similar resolution in the Arkansas Senate: SR 1.

This morning Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) filed House Resolution 1002 declaring Wednesday, January 16, 2019, Religious Freedom Day.

The resolution also honors the anniversary of the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom — a milestone for religious liberty in our country’s history — and affirms that religious freedom is a fundamental right.

H.R. 1002 contains numerous quotes from Founding Fathers and U.S. Presidents about religious liberty as well.

The free exercise of religion has come under attack in recent years. That’s why, more than ever, government needs to promote and defend religious liberty in America.

You can read H.R. 1002 here.

You can read S.R. 1 here.

Christian Attorneys Defend Seniors Who Want to Celebrate Christmas

This week Tony Perkins of Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., wrote about senior citizens who were told they could not celebrate Christmas at their living center in Washington State.

Providence Place senior center reportedly told residents they could not put up Christmas decorations, sing carols, or exchange Christmas greetings, because the center accepts federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

One resident contacted attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom about the situation. The attorneys promptly sent a letter to Providence Place explaining that federal policies cannot be used to squelch residents’ free speech and free exercise of religion.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time someone has tried to claim the Bill of Rights prevents everyday citizens from celebrating Christmas.

Public schools routinely try to stop students and teachers from wishing one another a merry Christmas. In 2013 a VA hospital in Georgia prohibited high school Christmas carolers from singing religious songs to veterans.

The First Amendment was intended to protect the free exercise of religion. It was never meant to stop anyone from following their faith or from saying, “Merry Christmas!”