When Does the Right to Suicide Become an Obligation to Die?

Eric Metaxas with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview has released a chilling commentary on the expansion of assisted-suicide in Europe and in the U.S.

Metaxas cites multiple examples, including a clinic in the Netherlands that “euthanized 11 people in 2012 whose ‘only complaint was being “tired of living.”‘”

Assisted suicide is no stranger in the U.S., either. Under the auspices of “death with dignity,” assisted suicide and euthanasia movements have made headway in some parts of our country in recent years.

The underlying problem with physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia is they both violate human dignity and the sanctity of human life. As Thomas Jefferson wrote many years ago, “the god who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.” Moreover, scripture makes it clear time and time again: God gives life, and we do not have a right to take our own lives any more than we have a right to take the life of another person.

What’s more, the “right” to suicide has a sinister habit of turning into an obligation to die.

You can listen to Metaxas’ full commentary below–or click here to read it.


The Slow Creep of Of Euthanasia

Eric Metaxas at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview has released an alarming commentary on the steady increase of euthanasia in Europe.

According to researchers, euthanasia in Holland has risen 151% in seven years. Even more troubling is the rise in the number of dementia patients helped to die by their doctors.

Metaxas writes,

“Of course, all this is happening because people have swallowed the false worldview that we control our lives, and that our lives only have meaning if we’re happy and healthy and protected from suffering.

“But there’s a reason every Christian tradition condemns euthanasia and suicide. God is the author of life. Our lives—and our bodies—are not our own. We’re stewards of them. And every human life taken intentionally undermines the dignity of all human life. In other words, every life discarded is one more step down the slippery slope. We see it in the Netherlands. Let’s pray we don’t see it here.”

You can listen to Metaxas’ full commentary below or click here to read it online.

[audio:http://bit.ly/1sNspsn|titles=Eric Metaxas – Euthanasia and the Slippery Slope]

“Eugenics Just Got Miniaturized”

John Stonestreet from the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview has a short, one-minute radio spot explaining a troubling way in which eugenics is making a comeback in our society.

Generally speaking, eugenics is the idea that:

  • Some people’s lives are made unlivable by the burden of disease or disability, or
  • Some people represent an undue burden to others due to disease, disability, ethnicity, or some similar factor.

Historically, the solution eugenics offers to this “burden” has almost always been to kill the person in question or forcibly sterilize them, preventing them from reproducing.

Stonestreet writes,

It’s the 19th-century pseudoscience at the root of Nazism and the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous Buck v. Bell forced sterilization decision. But Eugenics, the idea that some lives are unworthy of life, is far from dead. In fact, it’s making a subtle and troubling comeback.

Doctors in the U.K. have just announced that they’ve pioneered the most effective embryo-screening technique to date, allowing couples with potential genetic illnesses to avoid giving birth to genetically diseased children.

‘Parents at risk of passing on a genetic disorder,’ said Paul Serhal, at the Centre for Reproductive and Genetic Health, ‘are faced with heartbreaking implications. . . [This] breakthrough…means that parents affected may be able to pursue treatment confident that their condition wouldn’t be handed down.’

Stonestreet goes on to say the “treatment” parents could seek would most likely be abortion. Listen to the full radio spot below.

[audio:http://bit.ly/1q4C4bp|titles=John Stonestreet – It’s Still Eugenics]