ADF Releases List of Do’s and Don’ts for Pastors, Churches

Ever wonder what your church can and cannot say or do during an election season?

Is it OK for a candidate to come to your church? Can the pastor talk about a ballot issue from the pulpit? The attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom have you covered.

ADF is one of the nation’s leading legal advocates for religious freedom among churches, ministers, educators, and others. They help pastors and churches know the boundaries of what a pastor or a church can do when it comes to issue advocacy and elections.

We have condensed some of ADF’s guidelines into a simple, one-page flyer available here.

You can also download ADF’s full set of guidelines by clicking here.

Are You Registered to Vote?

The deadline to register to vote in the November 4 General Election is less than a month away. If you are not a registered voter, you need to register soon if you want to vote in the upcoming election.

The Arkansas Secretary of State has some very useful information on its website. To register to vote in Arkansas, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Be an Arkansas resident (residing in Arkansas at least 30 days prior to the first election in which you will vote).
  • Be age 18 or turn 18 on or before the next election.
  • Not be a convicted felon whose sentence has not been discharged or pardoned.
  • Not be presently adjudged as mentally incompetent as to your ability to vote by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Among other places, you can register to vote at your local public library, county clerk’s office, or revenue office. You can also download a registration form and mail it to the Arkansas Secretary of State (click here to download).

How do I know I am registered to vote? If you are uncertain whether or not you are registered, do not wait until the election to find out! Visit to check your voter registration status right now.

After you have registered to vote, be sure to go to to learn a little bit about the candidates you will see on your ballot this November.

Sandra Fluke’s Failed CA State Senate Campaign

Sandra Fluke is the young woman who testified prominently favor of the HHS mandate that forces religious groups to pay for contraception and abortion-inducing drugs.

Her testimony asserted colleges and universities across the nation should provide contraceptives to students under student health plans as a necessity for “women’s health.” You can see her testimony here.

Fluke announced her bid for U.S. Congress on February 4th of this year, but the next day she changed her mind, deciding to run for a California State Senate seat instead. recently posted a story on her unsuccessful bid for California public office.

What’s surprising: Sandra Fluke had the most name-recognition of any candidate in the race, but her campaign did not even force a runoff.

Click here to read more.