Southern Baptist Convention Adopts Resolution Against Abortion

Recently the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a strong resolution opposing abortion.

The resolution states that abortion is murder, and “that the murder of preborn children is a crime against humanity.”

The resolution also notes that the U.S. Supreme Court overstepped its authority when it handed down Roe v. Wade and that abortion has cost the lives of more than 60 million unborn babies.

The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest Baptist denomination in the United States, and the convention has issued many different resolutions regarding abortion since the 1970s.

It’s great to see the Southern Baptist Convention continuing to take a decidedly pro-life position against abortion.

Arkansas A.G. Asks Congress to Restore Hyde Amendment to Federal Budget

On Monday Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge joined 21 other state attorneys general in signing a letter asking Congress to restore the Hyde Amendment to the proposed federal budget.

The Hyde Amendment is a bipartisan budget provision. It’s been on every federal budget since 1976.

It generally protects Americans from being forced to subsidize abortions with their tax dollars, except in cases of rape or incest or when the mother’s life or physical health are in jeopardy.

Without the Hyde Amendment, federal funds could be used to pay for elective abortions.

Earlier this year President Biden proposed a $6 trillion federal budget, but the proposal did not include the traditional Hyde Amendment language to protect taxpayers from funding abortions.

If adopted, President Biden’s budget could open the door to publicly funded abortion in America.

The letter that A.G. Rutledge signed on Monday notes,

Nearly sixty percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, including “a majority of independents” and even “a notable proportion of Democrats.” . . .

Studies of the Hyde Amendment have found that it has saved the lives of millions of unborn children—saving 2.13 million lives in its first forty years alone, and saving over 60,000 lives per year today.

Taxpayer funding of abortion defies common sense, both fiscally and ethically, and is no way to “unify America.” We call on you to reject the President’s invitation to join in this perilous pursuit.

Public opinion polling shows Americans overwhelmingly oppose paying for abortions with taxpayer dollars.

Even though Americans are divided on whether abortion is right or wrong, generally speaking, most believe abortion should be completely illegal or legal only in a few cases.

In other words, getting rid of the Hyde Amendment would be grossly out of step with the rest of the country.

Is Planned Parenthood Reopening in Northwest Arkansas?

Recently Planned Parenthood posted a job listing for a Health Center Manager in the Bentonville area in Northwest Arkansas.

Planned Parenthood operated an abortion facility in Fayetteville, Arkansas, for several years prior to the summer of 2019 when its landlord reportedly opted not to renew the group’s lease.

Planned Parenthood initially issued statements saying it would reopen in the Northwest Arkansas area soon. However, the facility has remained closed ever since.

In that time, Planned Parenthood has opened new abortion facilities in west Little Rock and in Tulsa, Oklahoma — both just a short drive from Northwest Arkansas.

Now the nation’s largest abortion provider is looking for a Health Center Manager “located 20 minutes relative to Bentonville.”

Health Center Managers help oversee work at Planned Parenthood facilities.

Planned Parenthood posted a list of duties and responsibilities for its Health Center Manager that includes supervising family planning functions and staff; monitoring clinic flow; ensuring accurate recordkeeping; scheduling staff in all clinic areas; and more.

Planned Parenthood has not released any new statements about its efforts to reopen in Northwest Arkansas. But the fact that the nation’s largest abortion provider apparently is hiring a Health Center Manager in the Bentonville area raises questions about whether the group plans to put a facility there sometime soon.

Planned Parenthood has a long history of working in Arkansas.

The organization currently operates a chemical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The group’s political action committee has been active in recent legislative races.

Prior to 2015 Planned Parenthood received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the State of Arkansas via Medicaid.

And the group currently is working with the ACLU to block Arkansas from enforcing pro-life legislation that passed earlier this year.

You Can Read Planned Parenthood’s Job Listing for Bentonville Here