Updated: Arkansas Senate Passes Bill to End Abortion

On Monday the Arkansas Senate passed S.B. 6 by Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville).

This good bill prohibits abortion except when the mother’s life is at risk.

If enacted, S.B. 6 would save thousands of unborn children every year and give the federal court system an opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade and other pro-abortion decisions.

Family Council fully supports this good measure.

This is an opportunity for Arkansas to be a real leader in the effort to end abortion in America.

Many people have been saying for almost fifty years that abortion should be illegal. The time has come for us to make it so.

S.B. 6 now goes to the Arkansas House of Representatives, where it likely will be referred to the Public Health Committee.

Below is a breakdown of how the Arkansas Senate voted on S.B. 6.

Voted For S.B. 6

  • Ballinger
  • Beckham
  • Bledsoe
  • Caldwell
  • Clark
  • Davis
  • Dismang
  • Eads
  • English
  • Flippo
  • Garner
  • Gilmore
  • Hammer
  • Hester
  • Hill
  • Irvin
  • Johnson, B.
  • Johnson, M.
  • Pitsch
  • Rapert
  • Rice
  • Sample
  • Stubblefield
  • Sturch
  • Sullivan
  • Teague
  • Wallace

Voted Against S.B. 6

  • Chesterfield
  • Elliot
  • Flowers
  • Hickey
  • Ingram
  • Leding
  • Tucker

Voted “Present” on S.B. 6

  • Hendren

Arkansas’ Congressmen, Senators Sign Letters Opposing Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

Arkansas’ four U.S. Congressmen and two U.S. Senators recently signed letters opposing efforts to pay for abortions with taxpayer funds.

The letters come as President Biden has rescinded U.S. policies preventing taxpayers from funding organizations that support abortion overseas and has recently made statements opposing the Hyde Amendment that prohibits taxpayer-funded abortion at home.

The letter that U.S. Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton signed says,

Abortion is not health care; rather, it is a brutal procedure that destroys the life of an innocent unborn child. The Hyde Amendment reflects a consensus that millions of pro-life Americans who are profoundly opposed to abortion should not be coerced into paying for it or incentivizing it with their taxpayer dollars.

U.S. Representatives Hill, Womack, Crawford, and Westerman joined with some 200 congressmen in signing a letter that says,

The Hyde Amendment alone has saved the lives of over 2 million innocent babies and continues to protect the conscience rights of a vast majority of Americans opposed to publicly funded abortions. We cannot allow the Hyde Amendment and other important pro-life safeguards to be decimated by Congressional Democrats. Accordingly, we pledge to vote against any government funding bill that eliminates or weakens the Hyde Amendment or other current-law, pro-life appropriations provisions.

Public opinion polling has shown again and again that Americans don’t want to pay for abortions with their tax dollars.

Without the Hyde Amendment, even if you don’t support abortion and you don’t have an abortion, you could still be forced to pay for an abortion with your taxes.

Fortunately, Arkansas’ congressional delegation is pushing back against efforts to fund abortions with public dollars.

Senate Public Health Committee Advances Bill to End Abortion in Arkansas

Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) presents S.B. 6 in the Senate Public Health Committee on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.

On Wednesday the Senate Public Health Committee advanced S.B. 6 by Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) on a unanimous voice vote.

If enacted, this good bill would prevent abortion in Arkansas except in cases when the mother’s life is at risk and give the U.S. Supreme Court an opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and other pro-abortion decisions.

Family Council fully supports the passage of this good measure. This is an opportunity for Arkansas to be a real leader in the effort to end abortion in America.

Many people have been saying for almost fifty years that abortion should be illegal. The time has come for us to make it so.

Several pro-lifers, including Rose Mimms of Arkansas Right to Life, testified in favor of the bill in Wednesday’s committee meeting.

Members of the Arkansas Abortion Support Network testified against the bill.

S.B. 6 now goes to the entire Arkansas Senate for consideration; most of the members of the Arkansas Senate are co-sponsoring this good bill.