Abortions in Arkansas Drop by Over 500 in 2015

On Friday, June 3, the Arkansas Department of Health released a report on the number of abortions performed in the state in 2015. According to the Health Department, the number of abortions in Arkansas fell to 3,771 in 2015—502 fewer abortions than in 2014, and the second-lowest year on record since 1977.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “Abortion has been on the decline since the mid-1990’s. Abortion in Arkansas is near historic-lows. This is proof positive the demand for abortion is going down.”

Cox attributed the decline in abortion in part to state laws passed in recent years. “The Arkansas Legislature has consistently passed sound, pro-life legislation. Our lawmakers have worked to make Arkansas a state where innocent, human life is respected from conception until natural death. These declining abortion numbers are the fruits of that labor.”

Cox also credited pregnancy resource centers in Arkansas as contributing to the decline. “Pregnancy resource centers and adoption services help women with unplanned pregnancies choose an option besides abortion. These are excellent organizations providing valuable services to women all over Arkansas, and these numbers show they are having a positive impact on our state.”

Cox said he believes abortion will continue to decline in coming years. “The Arkansas Legislature passed pro-life legislation in 2015 that did not take effect until late last summer. We’re seeing a steady stream of people stepping up to the plate, wanting to do their part to end abortion in Arkansas. Abortion has been following a downward trend for the past twenty years, and I expect that trend to continue.”


Arkansas A.G. Keeps Up Fight for Good, Pro-Life Law

Last week Attorney General Leslie Rutledge’s office appealed a federal court order blocking a good, pro-life law the Arkansas Legislature passed last year.

The law was set to go into effect on January 1, but Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit against the state last December to block its enforcement.

The law requires doctors performing abortions with drugs like RU-486 to follow FDA protocols.

It also requires abortion clinics performing drug-induced abortions to contract with a local physician who has admitting privileges at a local hospital to handle any complications arising from the abortion.

As we have written time and again, this is a good, commonsense, pro-life law that protects women and unborn children from dangerous abortion practices.

We hope to see this pro-life law upheld as this case progresses.

Evidence at Congressional Panel Indicates Planned Parenthood Profited From Selling Baby Parts

daily_commentary_05_03_16Our friends at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview recently released a commentary by John Stonestreet on new evidence that Planned Parenthood clinics profited from the harvest and sale of baby body parts.

Recent hearings at the congressional Select Panel on Infant Lives have exposed this evidence.

Stonestreet writes,

It’s important to know that a 1993 federal statute prohibits the sale of fetal tissue. However, witnesses called during this month’s hearing say abortion providers have ignored that law for decades, encouraging and profiting from a market in human body parts.

Here’s how the process works: Researchers at companies like Stem Express pay procurement technicians to shop around abortion clinics for suitable specimens. They obtain consent from the patients, and inform the clinic staff, who kill the unborn child and harvest its tissue. The technician then packages and transports the body parts to the customer, records invoices, and makes sure the clinic is paid.

. . . .

[O]ne customer paid over $3,000 for a fetal brain. Another opted for a bulk discount, buying thirty-eight tiny brains for $22,000.

You can read Stonestreet’s full commentary here, or listen to it below.

[audio:http://www.breakpoint.org/images/content/breakpoint/audio/2016/050316_BP.mp3|titles=Planned Parenthood Under Investigation]