Poll: Arkansans Favor Pro-Life Laws, Overwhelmingly Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

The 2015 Arkansas Poll released by the University of Arkansas today shows Arkansans overwhelmingly oppose recognition of same-sex marriage.

According to the poll, 64% of likely voters said same-sex marriage “should not be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages.”

The poll comes as little surprise. Arkansans made it abundantly clear in 2004 they favor defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman; virtually every poll conducted since then has shown continued support for that definition among Arkansans.

The poll also shows 47% of likely voters favor laws making it “more difficult for a woman to get an abortion”–the highest percentage since 2003. Only 12% said it ought to be “easier” to get an abortion.

This number coincides with declining abortion levels in Arkansas–which have fallen drastically since the 1990’s–and new pro-life laws.

You can see the entire poll summary here.

Planned Parenthood Abortionist Calls Aborted Baby’s Heart “Cute”

The Center for Medical Progress has released an eleventh undercover video–this time showing an abortion doctor from Planned Parenthood describe the process of picking through organs from aborted babies.

Dr. Amna Dermish is the protege of Dr. Deborah Nucatola; you may recall Dr. Nucatola was featured in the Center for Medical Progress’ first video released, in which she discussed abortion and the harvest of organs from aborted babies while casually sipping wine and eating salad.

At one point in this newest video, Dr. Dermish describes how one of Planned Parenthood’s “POC [products of conception] persons” picks through the organs of aborted babies, saying, “She’ll pull out, like, kidneys, and heart, and, like, heart we’ll frequently see at nine weeks [gestation], and she always looks for it. . . . Well, it’s cute.”

You can watch the video below. Warning: The content is graphic.

You can also watch the unedited footage of the conversation below. Warning: The content is graphic.

Planned Parenthood to Stop Selling Baby Organs, Will Still Give Remains to Researchers

Planned Parenthood Federation of America CEO Cecile Richards announced today that Planned Parenthood no longer plans to sell organs harvested from aborted fetal remains to scientists–although it still plans to give the organs to researchers.

The move comes in the wake of a series of undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood officials allegedly negotiating the sale of aborted fetal remains in violation of federal law.

Richards recently testified before members of Congress about the organization’s practices. Her letter to the National Institute of Health acknowledges that Planned Parenthood will continue to give organs harvested from aborted babies to researchers; Planned Parenthood affiliates simply will receive no compensation for the organs.

Of course, there are still serious ethical questions about medical research conducted on organs harvest from aborted babies, as we have written before, so this is by no means a solution to the situation. However, this is a step in the right direction.