You Are Invited to a Free Pro-Life Event!

carol-everettYou Are Invited to a Free Pro-Life Event with Carol Everett!

Join Family Council on Thursday, August 7, 2014 from 7:00—8:30 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church: 1 Covenant Drive, Little Rock (at the intersection of Chenal Parkway and Pride Valley in Little Rock).

Carol Everett is the author of Blood Money: Getting Rich off a Woman’s Right to Choose.

From abortion clinic operator to pro-life activist, Carol’s story demonstrates the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. As founder and president of the Heidi Group, Carol ministers to women through crisis pregnancy centers. For over 30 years, she has been a nationally-recognized authority on abortion and the pro-life movement.

Carol will give a verbal walk-through of an abortion clinic to help us understand how abortions are being sold to our youth. She will talk about how the new Texas Miracle Law is saving 40,000 babies’ lives in the first year and has closed 38 abortion clinics by protecting the lives of women.

Please contact Family Council at (501) 375-7000 for more details.

How Much Money Does Planned Parenthood Make from Abortion?

Abby Johnson’s group And Then There Were None has released a video highlighting how Planned Parenthood benefits from abortion.

According to a budget Johnson received while she was still a Planned Parenthood clinic director, Planned Parenthood makes approximately $313 from every abortion it performs–adding up to millions of dollars every year.

Watch the video below, and click here for more information on And Then There Were None.

And Then There Were None. from Abe Films on Vimeo.

CO Planned Parenthood Handing Out “Abortion Awards”

Late last month Abby Johnson’s group And Then There Were None posted a picture it received from a former abortion clinic worker.

The picture is of a certificate dated May of 2013 recognizing the Aurora, CO, Planned Parenthood facility “for exceeding abortion visits [sic] first half of FY12 compared to fist half of FY13.”

Johnson writes,

“When our former [abortion clinic] worker saw this award on public display, it really started to change her thinking about Planned Parenthood’s motivation.  This award was given to their Aurora clinic for ‘exceeding abortion visits first half of fiscal year 2012 compared to first half of fiscal year 2013.’

“This means that the Aurora Planned Parenthood exceeded the abortion quota that was imposed on them.  And THAT is award worthy according to Planned Parenthood.”

Read further comments from Abby Johnson here and here.

The CEO and President of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains confirmed the certificate’s authenticity, writing,
