Color of Chaos

In the age of the internet, it is said that no parody is too ridiculous for at least someone to take seriously. These days, however, the opposite is true too. Serious content can seem like parody.

For example, Microsoft’s new “pride flag” background features hundreds of bars of random color interspersed with symbols burst from the center of the image like a psychedelic trip through hyperspace. The company boasts that it combines the flags of “40 LBGTQIA+ communities” and that it is an open template to which anybody can add more colors and symbols.

Transgender, “genderfluid,” “abrosexual,” “polysexual,” and “genderflux” are just a few of the identities represented, and “chaos” is a good description of the ideology behind them all. Many have nothing in common except for a rejection of the created sexes and marriage.

Just like an ideology that affirms everything, a flag that affirms everyone’s ideas about gender and the body ends in self-parody and as a source of headaches.

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Central Arkansas Library System Continues Hosting Pro-LGBT Events Geared Toward Youth

The calendar for the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) shows multiple pro-LGBT activities scheduled at libraries in the coming weeks. Most of these events are designed for children and youth.

Here are a few of the events scheduled:

In August the Central Arkansas Library System defended its decision to host pro-LGBT programs geared toward youth, noting that the programs are funded in part by the Arkansas LGBTQ+ Advancement Fund at the Arkansas Community Foundation, the Alice L. Walton Foundation, Olivia and Tom Walton through the Walton Family Foundation, and the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation.

In March Family Council reported that the Arkansas Community Foundation awarded a grant to the Central Arkansas Library System to set up a Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) for teens and young adults. The money is part of a $1 million fund that the Walton Family Foundation created to support pro-LGBT groups in Arkansas.

The programs at the Central Arkansas Library System may not be overtly “sexual,” but they still promote LGBT ideology to children and teens.

Libraries don’t have to form Gender and Sexualities Alliances or organize pro-LGBT movie screenings to be successful. They can house books and promote reading and education without these types of events.

These activities are an unnecessary distraction for our public libraries.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.