When It Comes to Health, Biology Matters

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and Director of the Colson Center

Last week, my friend Christopher Yuan tweeted that his hospital is now asking patients for their sexual orientation, gender identity and “sex assigned at birth.”  Apparently though certain hospitals are eager to align themselves with trans ideology, they have to know whether a patient is male or female. Why? Because, it matters.

For example, symptoms of a heart attack typically manifest differently for men than women. And differences in hormones, genetics, liver, and respiratory function significantly alter how a patient should be treated, even when it comes to treating Covid.

In other words, when lives are on the line, biology wins over ideology. No doctor who hopes to heal rather than harm, not to mention who wants to keep his job, will medically treat a biological male as though he were a biological female. The question that remains is whether or not doctors will be forced to pretend as if biology doesn’t determine sex, even as their work proves it does.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Telling the Truth from a Joke

John Stonestreet

A few days ago, my friend Rod Dreher tweeted, “We have gone through the looking glass.” He was responding to another tweet from someone whose transgender friend felt hurt that, despite now identifying as female, his DNA test still came up as XY.

This could’ve been a joke. After all, surely, no one would think that taking hormones would alter their genetics, anymore than dyeing hair or wearing colored contacts could.

But today, it’s entirely believable that someone would take offense at the outcome of a DNA test. In a culture so devoted to what Carl Trueman identifies as “expressive individualism,” where millions truly believe that our desires determine reality in every other sense, it’s not such a stretch that some would think that self-expression should determine DNA.

Christians are called to love God and our neighbors.  That can only happen by being committed to truth.

Copyright 2021 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.