Arkansas Wins Legal Victory Over Fayetteville Ordinance

This morning the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled the City of Fayetteville cannot enforce an ordinance that gives special protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The court case stems from a so-called “nondiscrimination” ordinance the City of Fayetteville adopted in 2015 despite a state law effectively preventing cities and counties from creating protected classes that are not found in state laws like the Arkansas Civil Rights Act.

Besides running afoul of state law, the Fayetteville ordinance has a number of significant problems.

Under Fayetteville’s ordinance, a minister could be penalized for declining to solemnize a same-sex marriage, and people of faith who own catering services, florist shops, and wedding venues could be penalized for choosing not to participate in same-sex ceremonies.

After more than three years of legal wrangling, the state’s highest court has handed us a solid victory in this case.

Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and her office have worked tirelessly to stop the City of Fayetteville from enforcing this unlawful ordinance.

The lawsuit over this ordinance has bounced from court to court in the state, but the A.G.’s team has been very proactive at every turn. I honestly don’t believe any state attorney general’s office does a better job standing up for what’s right than Arkansas’.

Photo Credit: “Old Main from the northwest, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas (autumn)” by Brandonrush – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.

U of A Fort Smith Library to Host Drag Queen Story Time

This week we learned students at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith are planning a Drag Queen Story Time event.

The announcement for the event scheduled for this coming Friday reads,

De-stress before the tests!  Join us for Drag Queen Story Time featuring Chloe Jacobs, Miss Gay Arkansas America 2018.  All ages are welcome to attend as Miss Chloe Jacobs reads some delightful children’s books.  Expect dancing, coloring, and light refreshments!  Special thanks to our cosponsors: Pride@UAFS and the River Valley Equality Center.

The story time is scheduled to be held at the Boreham Library on the UAFS campus.

You may recall in August the Central Arkansas Library System had scheduled a drag queen story time at one of its locations, but the event was quickly scrapped following criticism from citizens and elected officials.

Across the country, LGBT activists are working to convince libraries to host these sorts of events. As we’ve said before, these Drag Queen Story Times aren’t really about reading or fun. They’re about promoting a radical homosexual and transgender ideology.

Photo Credit: YouTube Screenshot.